
When a woman plays: that's how you know she's moaning that she's had an orgasm

When a woman plays: that's how you know she's moaning that she's had an orgasm

By pretending to climax, women further support the norm that intercourse is about the man's pleasure and the feeling that he has satisfied the woman - thereby also directly teaching men that their way of making love is okay with them, even though it may be not true. And, because women don't want to offend a man, they resort to whining - how do you recognize him?

Differences in the vhunca experience they range somewhere between heterosexual women and men between 17 % and 52 % – all studies consistently show that women experience fewer orgasms than men. And not because they are not capable of it, but because they are their sexual desires are rarely fulfilled.

If a woman pretends to experience climax, this reality only deepens - you think to satisfy her and confirm to yourself that your way of being loved is "FANTASTIC". And so begins a vicious cycle of constant whining and unfulfilled desires.

Below you can read the signs that indicate yes the woman squeals, that she had climaxed - this information may come in handy for you to discuss how you might be able to improve your sexual experience and both of you enjoy sex equally.

1. She climaxes shortly after you ask her to. Nothing ruins a climax more than someone pushing you to you have to experience. If you make her climax, she'll lie that she's had it because she doesn't want to hurt your feelings.
2. They didn't focus on foreplay. A lot of women he cannot climax with penetration alone. Good foreplay, full body activation and emotional connection are key to a true climax.

The real climax is about losing control.
The real climax is about losing control.

3. She has already climaxed recently. If she's just had it and you're asking her for another one, you'd better accept the reality that women need a rest period after climaxing.
4. She does not feel slight vaginal cramps. Most women experience mild vaginal spasms during climax, which are felt as a throbbing of the vaginal wall (and the whole body).

Women need more than just penetration.
Women need more than just penetration.

5. He suddenly wants change. If she suddenly suggests that she would like to do many other things in bed, there is a possibility that your sex life so far has not really suited her and therefore has not allowed her to have real climaxes.
6. Her climaxes are completely different. It stands to reason that not every one of her climaxes will be exactly the same, but if there is a drastic discrepancy between her climaxes, it is possible that one is fake.

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