
When you really, really like her: 21 + 30 questions to ask a girl

Okay, you've liked her for a long time, and finally, finally, she agreed to go on a date! But now you have one problem - you have no idea what to ask her... You've already checked all the possible questions, like what she likes to read, what movies she likes... but you're afraid that the conversation won't really liven up.

To make it easier for you, we have prepared for you some kind of instructions in which you will find out what you can ask her. There are some questions it is wise to pledge right at the beginning of the relationship. But be careful not to approach the questioning as if you were making a police report - ask questions spontaneously, more casually - and not all at once...

1. What are your hidden skills?

Girls love to talk about themselves, and this question will give her a nice opportunity to squirm a little. Whether you like the question or not, it sure will great clue for your conversation.

2. What was your favorite toy as a child?

She may not answer right away, but if you give her a little encouragement, you will surely have a good laugh when you answer. Besides, you'll be at it got a little insight into her gentle soul, which will attract your attention.

What was your favorite toy as a child?
What was your favorite toy as a child?

3. What is the best gift you have ever given someone?

If you really want to ask her interesting questions, you must not miss this question. With it, you will offer her another excellent one a chance to brag about something, at the same time you will be able to understand how attentive she is to others people.

4. Which incident in elementary school was the most embarrassing for you?

If you don't want her to feel uncomfortable, you can start with a question instead "Which event in elementary school was the funniest for you?" and only then ask her a question about when she was most embarrassed. It is important to see that her you want to get to know each other really well and have fun at the same time.

What incident in elementary school was the most embarrassing for you?
What incident in elementary school was the most embarrassing for you?

5. What would you take with you from the house if it was on fire?

That's a good way to you find out what means the most to her in life. She may be very attached to certain objects, and it would be good to find out which ones and why.

She might even talk about what she would do if she found herself in that situation, and you might be pleasantly surprised.

6. Where would you go on your dream trip?

With this question, you will find out if your desires match, and you will also be attracted to her made a great impression. Why? Because she will assume that you want to travel with her, and that's it always extremely tempting for girls.

Where would you go on your dream trip?
Where would you go on your dream trip?

7. As a child, what did you want to be when you grow up? Do you still want it?

This time you will meet hers life ambitions – perhaps she has already fulfilled her childhood wish. Such seemingly childish and silly questions can go a long way towards making things better you realize who the girl in front of you really is.

8. If you were stuck in an elevator and could only listen to one song, which would you choose?

Musical taste tells a lot about a person, and this question is much more interesting than the classical one "What's your favorite band?".

If you were stuck in an elevator and could only listen to one song, which would you choose?
If you were stuck in an elevator and could only listen to one song, which would you choose?

9. What was your worst job?

Interesting stories about a terrible boss and co-workers are always a good topic, especially if you have similar experiences in this field.

Even though it might be a little boring, ask her about her job anyway. She will feel good, because she will finally be able to talk to someone about what she does.

That question is without a doubt a good choice.

10. What is the best advice you have ever received?

If the advice was about men, she might not want to answer you. But if she is happy because she followed the advice and successfully put it into practice, she will definitely confide in you, saying that really proud of that and her means a lot in life.

What's the best advice you've ever received?
What's the best advice you've ever received?

11. What was your favorite board game growing up?

At her answer you will find out if they have similar interests, and created a picture of what your board game nights could be like in the future.

12. Where would you live if you could choose?

This question is similar to the one about the dream trip. People would often like to live somewhere they don't visit often and where they can travel only occasionally. A conversation on this topic can develop late into the night and includes many other topics.

Where would you live if you could choose?
Where would you live if you could choose?

13. How do you deal with people who harass you for no reason?

If he says he's cutting contact with them forever, ask yourself what you can expect in the future. Apparently he accepts radical decisions. A good man is never prejudiced, rather, he tries to look at such events from a different angle and in them find something positive, no matter what it is.

14. Would you go with me...

… to a computer equipment store/to a sports store/to a game?

Most girls find it rather uninteresting to visit such stores or matches, but if she cares about you, she will go with you anyway. And you, we believe, will happily return the favor... Perhaps you will go shopping with her or watch a romantic movie of her choice with her. Relationships are based on compromises, and if you want your relationship to last, just make an effort.

Would you come with me...
Would you come with me...

15. What did you learn from your previous relationship?

I'd like to see what she values in relationships and guys. You will find that she still has feelings for her ex. And what a man the ex was. Don't give up if he praises certain qualities of his ex, because that's all shows what is important to her as a girl with a tender heart.

16. What about girls should guys understand, but you don't think they do?

Get ready for a surprise, because her answer will be able to touch you deeply. Just make sure you don't (at least not on this first date) then start an hour-long discussion on the topic, because your first date could turn out to be your last. While the question is a good one in principle, it can – if you don't want to hear bad things about boys – you also let go.

What is it about girls that guys should understand that you don't think they do?
What is it about girls that guys should understand that you don't think they do?

17. Who is your best friend?

A good friend will always support her dreams. True friendship means selfless giving and receiving. Good friends are those who solve many life problems together. If she is surrounded by good people, she is a good person herself. This is definitely one of the urgent questions!

18. Would you like to change something about me?

Expect her to say: "No way! You're perfect!” But – this is not the right answer … When she answers, you will realize how open she is with you. I would probably change something, if nothing else, at least the laces on the sneakers. Openness is one of the foundations of an ideal relationship. So the question is very good indeed.

"Would you like to change something about me?"
"Would you like to change something about me?"

19. What phrases did the boys try to win you over?

You will laugh heartily at this, and it will become clear to her that yes she is dealing with a very witty guy. You just can't beat this question.

20. What does your name mean?

If she has a foreign or very unusual name, she would really like someone to ask her what it means. With that you show that you are paying attention to her and that you are interested.

Another great question, then.

What does your name mean?
What does your name mean?

21. If you could jump into a pool filled with anything – what would it be?

It can say anything: into a pool full of money, candies, plush toys... And that will be enough for you to be able to conclude, what kind of man he is in his essence.

And 30 more good questions that you can also ask

1. What perfume do you use? You smell so good!
2. Where did you buy this beautiful dress? It looks great on you!
3. Who did your hair? It suits you very well!
4. You are so intelligent! Which school did you attend?
5. Did you inherit your amazing sense of humor from your father?
6. Who is your fashion idol? You have an enviable sense of fashion.
7. Your skin is so smooth and flawless, how do you take care of it?
8. Do you exercise regularly? You look great and healthy.
9. Do you read a lot of books? Because you know so much.
10. Did you go to music school or are you a natural talent?
11. I really like being in your company. Can we meet more often so I can get to know you better?
12. I like your personality; can we be friends
13. Isn't the weather nice for a cup of coffee?
14. What is your favorite thing to do at the weekend?
15. You seem to be in a bad mood. Would you like me to bring you an ice cream of your choice?
16. Your bag seems heavy to me. Will you let me carry it for you?
17. Can I call you when I want to hear your voice?
18. Can you help me with this homework/work assignment?
19. In this area my knowledge is lame; could you teach me that?
20. I'd like to talk to you; can i steal a few minutes of your time?
21. There is a free seat beside you; may i sit down
22. I'm new here; can you show me around?
23. I hate eating alone; can i join you and your friends for lunch?
24. I have tickets to the concert of your favorite band; would you come with me
25. What is your favorite movie genre?
26. What is your favorite subject? Why?
27. Would you go out with me?
28. Who has inspired you the most in life?
29. Which color is your favorite?
30. Who do you like best?

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