
When children's drawings become jewelry and a lasting memory

"Children's" jewelry for adults

All of you who have children remember well how the child from kindergarten brought you a drawing that he drew for mommy and daddy every other day. Although these drawings are precious memories, we know that over time these drawings accumulate too much and we simply cannot keep them all. Yasemin Erdin, who has been working with children professionally for five years, makes sure that these memories do not go to waste, as she turns children's drawings into unique jewelry.

"Adults must encourage children's creativity, respect their products and give them the right meaning," he thinks Yasemin Erdin, which turns simple children's drawings into beautiful jewelry (chains) that anyone, not just a proud parent, would be happy to wear.

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For her project, Erdinova teamed up with a sculptor and a goldsmith Özgür Karavit, and with handmade jewelry, they want to show children that it is their art precious and unique. You can order it in the online store Etsy.

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