
When the home aquarium undergoes a Scandinavian transformation

Home aquarium Norrom

You won't believe it, but the home aquarium has finally undergone some much-needed renovation and with the help of Swedish designer Charles Törnros and his Norrom team, it has become a home accessory that adds to the aesthetic value of the interior in which it is located. Don't believe it? Read on…

A stylish home aquarium? You won't believe it, but it exists! Dissatisfied with some of the key shortcomings of home aquariums currently available on the market, he se Swedish industrial designer Charles Törnros with the help of his team Norm decided to completely redesign the home aquarium as we know it and create a minimalistic, beautiful, simple and flexible object.

Home aquarium Norrom
Home aquarium Norrom

The team tackled the project with great enthusiasm and designed a stylish home aquarium that does not expose cables and other unattractive components and is made of glass and exotic wood instead of unaesthetic plastic. The result of the Scandinavian renovation of the home aquarium is a home aquarium of cylindrical shape, whose replaceable cover and bottom are available in several color shades, additional accessories are hidden from view – among other things, a filter that is subtly hidden in the bottom. Fantastic, isn't it?

READ MORE: Minimalist home accessories for a modern home renovation

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