
When I grow up I will be... portraits of homeless people and what they wanted to become in life

Horia Manolache - the homeless became whatever they wanted for a day

Photographer Horia Manolache embarked on an interesting project, in which he first photographed the homeless in their original state, and then in their dream role. in what they wanted to become in life. The project in the form of the book The Prince and the Pauper (The Prince and the Pauper), for which he borrowed the name from Mark Twain's novel of the same name, is presented on the crowdfunding platform Indiegogo. With double portraits of those who have not been lucky in life, he wants to change the general mindset and attitude towards the homeless, who are unfairly characterized by many as lazy, mentally ill, etc.

Photographer Horia Manolache on a crowdfunding platform Indiegogo is raising money for a book The prince and the beggar (The Prince and the Pauper), in which they are portraits of homeless people, in addition, portraits of these people in their dream role, the role they once dreamed of, are published. You know the one when i grow up i will ... They became what they wanted for one day.

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With portraits and a book, the American photographer wants to show the homeless in a different light and be their voice. In his project, he says, he has met people with guns to people with hearts bigger than the world. His wife helped him with the project, who took care of the whole thing styling of the homeless, while he took care of the costumes and the mobile studio himself.

Horia Manolache - the homeless became for a day what they always wanted in life:

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