
When Tefal Jamie Oliver cookware reigns supreme in the kitchen

I've been cooking a lot these days, not because I have too much time, but because I received the Tefal Jamie Oliver cookware for testing. I tackled it with great interest, because I was really confused, why such a "fame" around these containers? Is it because they carry the name Jamie Oliver, do they really deserve it?

We all know that anything Jamie touches is good, even if it's prepared in the most ordinary of dishes or on the grill. I have to admit that I'm not the most skilled at cooking, but, "armed" with a new dish, I felt quite confident. It was his turn first vok. Given that as a family of four we eat a lot of vegetables, and I'm always worried about overcooking them and thus destroying all the much-needed vitamins and minerals, it came in handy Thermo-Spot V4 heat indicator function, which easily shows when the pan is optimally heated (both layers turn red, this means approximately 180 degrees Celsius). When preparing vegetables in a wok, it is also very important to prepare them at high temperatures in order to preserve the right structure that keeps them deliciously crunchy. Since my vegetables didn't overcook, they retained their full flavor, which also meant I used less salt. In a combination of sesame, soy, mustard oil and yogurt dressing, wrapped in a tortilla, a real exotic feast was created in less than 15 minutes. Since I use the handle a lot when preparing vegetables in the wok, it came in handy a long handle with a silicone coating that gave me a better grip, which prevented the worst thing that can happen to a housewife - the dishes slipping out of your hands.

In these spring days, when everywhere smells of barbecue, we too began to salivate for some good grilled steak. That's how it happened Grill pans what made my partner the happiest, who suffers especially during this period, since we don't have our own garden. And then one afternoon it smelled like beefsteak in our house. Thanks to the previously mentioned heat indicator, the pan was optimally heated, so the meat was nicely sizzling and fragrant. However, since it was of uneven thickness, there was of course a fear that it would be over-baked in some places and not enough in others. It turns out that worry was unnecessary, thanks thick and multi-layered metal base. So our steak was cooked just right and the meat was still juicy. Because exclusive pro-metal non-stick liners, with which all the pans are "coated". Tefal Jamie Oliver, we also used much less oil than usual. And of course, what's best about Grill pan, but there is a beautiful pattern that forms on the meat - like a real grill!

Since children love pasta in 1001 ways, I have become a real master at preparing sauces. I always use garlic and onion in the preparation, and since I do 1001 other things along with it, of course it often happens that it burns or sticks to the bottom of the pan. I was pleasantly surprised that this time it wasn't like that. I was able to fry the onions to perfection with less oil than usual. Since I usually prepare the sauce right before dinner, when hunger is already at its peak, there is no time for a suitable table setting, so the children rummage around the pan with forks and spoons looking for the last, their favorite bites of the sauce. At that time, I always remember with horror all the scratched dishes, which infamously ended up in the garbage because of the fear of harmful chemical substances. Non-stick pro-metal mat is completely harmless to health and the environment and is also adapted to the frequent use of kitchen utensils, including utensils, as surface treated with a hard mineral base and therefore up to 6 times more resistant.

I should also mention that it did Tefal Jamie Oliver cookware proved excellent when pouring rarer dishes (sauce, soup, ...) from the container, because curved edge, and thus spared me that disgusting oozing on the edge of the bowl. Because attractive design and shiny stainless steel it is Tefal Jamie Oliver cookware also a great fashion accessory for your kitchen. And yes, Tefal Jamie Oliver cookware definitely lives up to its name.

We get the dish on everyone OMV gas stations. For all members of the OMV Smile & Drive club, they are Tefal Jamie Oliver cookware accessible, at particularly favorable prices. The action lasts until April 20, 2014.

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