
When is Christmas grass planted – and what to do if you missed this important date!?

Planting Christmas grass for a fruitful and happy New Year

Photo: envato

Christmas is a time of intertwining traditions and customs that bring warmth and hope to our homes. One of these customs is the planting of Christmas grass, a symbol of growth, fertility and prosperity in the coming year. When is Christmas grass traditionally planted?

Traditionally, Christmas grass It is planted on St. Lucy's Day, December 13th. This date symbolizes light and the arrival of new hope. If the wheat is planted on that day, it has just enough time to grow into a thick, green carpet by Christmas Eve, symbolizing fertility and prosperity.

Is the date really that important?

Christmas is just around the corner, but a glance at the calendar tells you that you missed the “magical” December 13th, when you are supposed to plant the Christmas grass, according to tradition. What now? Have you missed the opportunity for happiness, growth, and prosperity in the coming year? Don’t worry – all is not lost!

Photo: envato

Life is fast, and who among us hasn't forgotten a "magical" task? If you missed this date, don't despair. You can still plant your grass later, you just have to adjust your expectations and maybe add a bit of creativity.

How to plant Christmas grass when it's almost Christmas time?

Choose a fast-growing grass: Although regular grass takes about 10–12 days to reach full height, you can shorten the germination time by using fast-germinating grains.

Warm water to speed up germination: Soak the seeds in warm water for a few hours before planting. This will speed up germination and shorten the growing time.

Provide enough heat and light: Place the container with the grass in a warm place with plenty of natural light. If natural light is not enough, use an LED light.

Regular spraying: Humidity is the key to success. Mist the grass several times a day, but avoid overwatering as this can cause the seeds to rot.

Symbolism counts more than perfection

Remember – Christmas grass is not just a decoration, but a symbol that you can adapt to your circumstances. Even if it grows a little shorter or sparser, it will still bring a message of hope, growth and fertility for the new year.

If you're really late for Christmas dinner, plant some grass for New Year's Day. This little ritual can give you a sense of new beginnings and symbolic momentum for 2025.

Photo: envato

An alternative for those pressed for time

If you are running out of days and energy, you can also transfer the symbolism to other green plants. A bouquet of fresh herbs, a pot of basil, or a small green fern can also symbolize prosperity and fresh energy.

Ultimately, it is the desire and intention that counts, not the perfect execution of tradition.

So, it's not too late - plant grass now or get your own green alternative and conjure up a fruitful and happy year 2025!

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