
When is Mercury Retrograde: Mercury Retrograde Dates to 2030

Mercury Retrograde 2022

Photo: envato

If you're one of those people who plans everything based on whether or not it's Mercury Retrograde, then this post is for you! Even if you're not into astrology, you've probably heard of Mercury retrograde. You have seen countless times that people complain about it, blame it and wait impatiently for it to pass. Who is to blame? Why? When is it over? Where does he go then? These are the Mercury Retrograde dates until 2030!

It's in the solar system Mercury the planet closest to the Sun, and its orbital period is very short - 88 days. That is why this small and fast planet was named after Mercury, who was the messenger of the gods in Roman mythology. In addition to taking care of all information, his field of activity was negotiations and trade, traffic, travel, communication in general.

What is Mercury Retrograde?

The planets revolve around the Sun at different speeds and overtake each other. When one of them is said to be retrograde means going backwards, which of course is impossible. However, in the bustle of cosmic traffic observed from Earth, at some moments it appears as if a planet is retrograde, and such movement slightly disturbs their astrological influence and causes a delay in action.


Mercury Retrograde 2022 – 2030

When it comes to Mercury, it happens three or four times a year and each time a little less than a month. During this period, special attention should be paid to all the domains ruled by Mercury. Depending on your natal chart, Mercury retrograde will hit you more, less or not at all. Even if it doesn't affect you personally, it will affect many people around you.

So keep your eyes wide open and before you say anything, take a deep breath and count to ten.

When is Mercury Retrograde 2022?

Mercury Retrograde Periods to 2030.


January 14 - February 3
May 10 – June 2
September 9 - October 2
December 29 - January 18, 2023


April 21 – May 14
August 23 – September 15
December 13 - January 1


April 1 - 25
August 4 - 28
November 25 - December 15


March 14 - April 7
July 17 – August 11
November 9 - 29


February 25 - March 20
June 29 - July 23
October 24 - November 13


February 9 - March 3
June 10 - July 4
October 7 – 28


January 24 - February 14
May 21 – June 13
September 19 – October 11


January 7-27
May 1 - 25
21 December - 10 January 2030


April 12 - May 6
August 15 - September 8
December 5 - 25

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