
When it's not that anymore: that's how you know your partner is no longer attracted to you

When it's not that anymore: that's how you know your partner is no longer attracted to you

Attraction is an important aspect of a successful relationship, but it is constantly changing. How to detect that this area is squeaking for you? How do you know your partner is no longer attracted to you?

Every time we fall in love, it's hard to imagine that feeling ever changing. Of course, reality always tricks us and when we least expect it, the feeling of carefree infatuation passes and there comes a time when we must strive for a good and happy partnership.

Attraction is also something fluid, which changes from period to period and is also influenced by external factors - how much we are under stress, what is our emotional bond with our partner, what is our self-image... How can we even detect when our partner has started to be less attractive to us? ?

In the following, you will learn about some signs that your partner is not attracted to you, but none of them mean that that your relationship is over. First of all, these signs are a silent warning to look together, where the problem lies and try to solve it.

This is how you know that your partner is no longer attracted to you:

Everything about him/her irritates you.

If every little thing about your partner annoys you, maybe the problem lies somewhere else, like the way he breathes or the rhythm of his walk. Maybe it's because he's not attracted to you (right now) and it's frustrating you. The first step in solving such problems is to be brutally honest with yourself, not throw sand in your eyes and admit where the heart of the problem lies.

You often fantasize about other people.

Occasional fantasizing and daydreaming about other people without any serious purpose is a completely normal and healthy activity. We are humans after all less monogamous creatures, as we are willing to admit. But when this kind of fantasizing happens to you all the time, you might be in trouble. Think about whether your partner is still attracted to you. If the answer to this question is no, start exploring the reasons for the lack of attraction between you.

Fantasizing about others is completely harmless to a certain extent.
Fantasizing about others is completely harmless to a certain extent.

You can't remember why he/she attracted you in the first place.

If your partner repels you so much that you can't even remember why you were attracted to him/her in the first place, you are in serious trouble. But maybe they have changed too much and need some space and time to think?

You don't miss him/her.

Being happy alone or even looking forward to the weekend when your loved one goes out with friends does not mean that there is no longer a spark of attraction between you! However, sometimes the fact that we do not miss our partner at all, even if he is away from home for a very long time, is a sign to think about the strength of your base. Only the two of you can figure out what that means for you and the two of you.

If you don't miss him/her at all, even after several days, you may have a problem.
If you don't miss him/her at all, even after several days, you may have a problem.

You urgently need more space and time for yourself.

If you feel cramped, constantly running away from the relationship and desperately wanting more space and time for yourself, this is one of the signs that your partner is not attracted to you. Often, however, this is just the result of some other unresolved problem. It could be a lack of intimacy, an unresolved conflict from the past, or anything else.

You can't imagine a future with her/him.

If we can't imagine a future with our partner, something is creaking in the relationship and we need to look at what it is. It is often a matter of attraction, which may be accompanied by another problem. Whether you will research this and try to find a solution, or whether you will decide to break up, is your decision to which there is no single answer.

Imagining a shared future is one of the key factors for a relationship to survive.
Imagining a shared future is one of the key factors for a relationship to survive.

You avoid intimate conversations.

Attraction is not only based on a physical relationship, it is closely intertwined with intimacy. This explains well why avoiding intimacy can indicate a lack of attraction or a blockage in this sphere of your relationship.

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