
When love turns to pain: Why do we always hurt the ones we love the most?

Photo: envato

An awkward word at the wrong moment can cause pain. Do we even realize how often we unintentionally hurt others?

We humans are complicated. We are wonderful, extraordinary, dynamic, but at the same time extremely demanding. It's hard for someone to love fully, it's hard to do your best, it's hard to please, and it's even harder to protect others. And it's not just about those who are closest to you, but about all the people who fill our days.

Sometimes it feels like loving and caring for others is like walking through oceans of eggshells - every little movement it causes another bang, even if it was done with the intention of protecting the other's fragile shell.

The problems that every day brings

Is it even possible to go a day without hurting someone? Maybe not in a big, obvious way, but in a way that momentarily distracts them or makes their day a little harder. Our stories intertwine and collide with each other, sometimes spilling into complete chaos. How do we even begin to unfold from this inevitable cycle of self-inflicted pain?

Words hurt. Photo: Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels

Realization: I'm not perfect

Perhaps this process begins with a simple acknowledgment: I'm not perfect. People sometimes say things that are horrible, rude, or even mean, often say things that are none of their business, and then wish they could take them back immediately.

Compassion can be there, but so can anger. People can be mature and immature at the same time, often acting contrary to their promises. They can be the solution to all problems, but also their cause. They try to fix everything, even when their hearts are acting irrationally and they are not in control of their own emotions.

Limited individual liability

It is not right for an individual to blame himself all the time, even when it seems that everything depends on him. No one is the beginning and probably not the end either - they are just people a small part of a long, incomplete journey. They make mistakes, and what seems important to them may not be important to others. Even if it is, people have an amazing capacity for forgiveness, despite the pain and disappointments they experience.

Be nice to each other. Words hurt. Photo: Koolshooters / Pexels

The importance of compassion

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to be as thoughtful and caring as possible. Pain should be avoided wherever possible. But the key is to recognize the truth: people will always inflict pain on themselves.

Life is unpredictable and beautiful, but also often chaotic and out of control. And that's okay. Sometimes it is acceptable for an individual to lose control a bit or stumble. It happens to everyone.

Strength in imperfection

In the end, people have to accept the fact that imperfection is not weakness, but the essence of humanity. Everyone will disappoint or hurt others at some point, but it is these moments that give room for growth, understanding and forgiveness. Humans will always oscillate between mistakes and extraordinary moments of goodness, and it is this interweaving that makes us real.

By acknowledging that mistakes are inevitable, it becomes easier to move forward with more compassion and openness. Perhaps it is precisely in this acceptance of mistakes power, to find light even in the darkest of times and restore the connections that hold us together.

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