
When should we go on vacation in 2019 according to our astrological sign?

The year 2019 has not yet started well, but we are already dreaming about holidays. We're certainly not the only ones. For a good, affordable and quality vacation, it is sometimes necessary to start planning quite early. The first question we have to answer is, when would you even take a vacation? When you should go on vacation in 2019 according to your astrological sign, you can find out in the article below.

A little for fun, a little for real: when should you go on vacation in 2019 according to our astrological sign?

Aries - late November

Aquarians don't like too many crowds, so the off-season is the best time to travel.

Taurus - late June

Taurus likes structure, order and consistency. Like every year, this year he will prefer to go on vacation in June.

Bulls will go on vacation then, like every year.
Bulls will go on vacation then, like every year.

Gemini - early February

Gemini, start planning and packing, the optimal time for your vacation is just around the corner!

Cancer - early March

For crabs, the optimal time to travel is when winter turns into spring.

Leo – April

Leos will prefer to travel in April this year. As always, their journeys will be based on impulsive, spontaneous decisions.

Virgo - early May

Virgos will take a break in early May, when it will be just cold enough that tourists will not yet flood European capitals, and at the same time warm enough for light clothes and some romance.

The May holidays may bring another romance.
The May holidays may bring another romance.

Libra - early June

Libra, as befits your astrological sign, you will try to balance your desire for a warm, typical vacation and the imperative to go on vacation as soon as possible. Early June is a perfect choice.

Libras always find the best compromise.
Libras always find the best compromise.

Scorpio - early July

Scorpions will venture somewhere near water. Definitely during the time when it will be warm enough to sunbathe and swim.

Sagittarius - early August

If Sagittarians could live their perfect lives, they would just travel. Since this is not possible (at least not for everyone), they will go on this year's trip in early August.

Sagittarians would prefer to travel all the time.
Sagittarians would prefer to travel all the time.

Capricorn - September

If anyone needs a vacation, it's hard-working and hard-working Capricorns. Because they are such workaholics, they will only treat themselves to them in September.

Aquarius - late October

Aquarians will enjoy the autumn atmosphere the most this year.

Fall holidays can be wonderful.
Fall holidays can be wonderful.

Pisces - early November

Dreamy Pisces will need quite some time to decide where and when to go on vacation. So they will plan everything until autumn.

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