
When the money runs out - how to spend the days before the next paycheck

Spending money has become so easy that financial discipline is as fragile as dietary discipline. During the economic crisis, the focus shifted from spending to saving, and if we don't have control over spending, our financial well (account) likes to dry up. Sometimes a dry spell can't be avoided and here are some tips on how to get through these tough times.

If you are no fick, and the salary is still a few days away, you need to change something so that you don't dig yourself too deep a hole. But belt tightening it doesn't have to be painful and the cuts to your lifestyle aren't too deep if you just follow a few guidelines.

We save a euro here, a euro there, and the piggy bank will smile again.
We save a euro here, a euro there, and the piggy bank will smile again.

READ MORE: 10 tips on how to save at least 100 euros per month

Most of us get paid once a month and if we don't have money rolling in, we have to be careful if we want to connect the beginning and the end of the month. If the first days are as comfortable pillow, towards the end of the month it changes to cher, which grows and crosses the boundaries of months if we help each other too much credit cards, because of which things quickly start to spill over the edge and we get caught in the Vicious circle. In order to protect yourself from financial disaster in situations where you are tight on money, consider the following.

1. Give up coffee in bars

It's not over coffee in a bar, but recipes are your trump card.
It's not over coffee in a bar, but recipes are your trump card.

He always has coffee that someone else makes for us better taste, right?! And we are willing to pay for this self-deception salted price. OK, paying for the "experience" of drinking coffee, sips of happiness (all that sociopsychological circus) is something else, but if we just take the lowest common denominator, that's drinking coffee, is a daily waste of coffee in a bar wasting away money, because with the help of the recipes you can make the same for the little angels yourself.

2. Plan your meals

A homemade sandwich is cheaper and often better.
A homemade sandwich is cheaper and often better.

First, don't eat out. Second, those a sandwich assemble it yourself and thirdly, watch out for promotions/discounts at grocery stores and plan dinner accordingly. Buy it larger quantities the same things because it pays off in the long run and make a meal that will be more than just one person so you have some left over for the next day. This will help you resist the temptation to order food at home, because you won't have to cook every day. And experiment with brands. If you eat vegetables, buy during the crisis frozen, so that nothing accidentally ends up in the trash if you don't manage to eat everything in time.

3. Loyalty cards

Credit cards are methods carrots and sticks. Tempting a deceptive, so avoid them in such situations like Odysseus of the Sirens. Rather, use the loyalty cards of different stores and scrape your last ones there budget tricks. These cards don't cost you anything (perhaps a bit of privacy), so here's why beneficial affect the final invoice amount. All the more so if we are a regular customer and when, if not in times of crisis, this happens the most pays off. And not only in grocery stores, there are also clothes. But you should refrain from buying the latter in times of crisis.

4. Schedule debt payments when you have the money

Do not lump the payment of all financial obligations into one end of the month.
Do not lump the payment of all financial obligations into one end of the month.

If you always end the month water runs down the throat, you prefer to postpone the payment of certain bills to more favorable part of the month. This way, you will be able to operate more easily with what you actually (still) have, and not end up with an amount that you don't have as much to cover as possible.

5. Happy hours

If, despite the imminent drought in your wallet, you can't give it up social life, you can still enjoy certain leisure treats if you are at least a little adaptable. Don't overpay for a drink if you can get it much cheaper during happy hours. It is in some places morning coffee much cheaper and a cocktail before midnight too. And lining the stomach with food before you go on a "vape" so that you don't end up spending extra money on it in the middle of the night Burek, a slice of pizza, etc. things.

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