
When to buy a child's first mobile phone?

In the era of mobile technologies, the age limit for children to use mobile phones is getting lower and lower. Many of us parents wonder when is the right time to buy our child their first mobile phone.

Opinions on when it should be children have entered the mobile world, they are divided, but the question remains whether children really need it mobile phone. If we decide to buying a phone, it is advisable to think about several aspects even before the purchase itself. The reason for buying a child's phone let it be meaningful: so that the child can call us when he comes home from school alone before us, for security reasons, so that we can check where he is and what he is doing at any moment of the day... But it is definitely pointless to buy children a phone in order to chase away their boredom. The next step is to assess the child's responsibility so that he knows how to use the phone wisely and responsibly. For safety reasons, many parents choose to control consumption and turn off features such as Internet access and thus social networks. Instead, they include only basic functions, especially the ability to call and send messages, with which the child can communicates securely with friends, but especially with parents. In the end, when we choose a model, it should be suitable for the use of the child, so let it be impact resistant and scratches and easy to use. Most mobile operators also offer customized packages for children and parents.

Info Box

Telekom Slovenije offers a Mobipaket for the youngest and slightly older children, which makes it easier and closer for them to use a mobile phone.

More at www.mobitel.si

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