
When town benches across London turn into books

"Books About Town" is a wonderful project and a great mix of everything: fifty different artists have created fifty benches in different locations around London in homage to fifty works of classic literature. Londoners and tourists can sit on them until mid-September, when the benches will be sold at a charity auction.

Books About Town is a project that combines three: literature, art and charity. It was created on the initiative of an independent charity National Literacy Trust and the artistic team Wild and Art. They are the result of their cooperation town benches transformed into open books, which were created by both professional illustrators and street artists, inspired by various classic literary works.

In London, you can rest on books instead of benches until September.
In London, you can rest on books instead of benches until September.

The motifs were drawn from a wide range of books that everyone should know: Alice in Wonderland, Sherlock Holmes, Bridget Jones's Diary, 1984, Peter Pan, Mrs. Dalloway, The Chronicles of Narnia and other book classics. What gives the project even more value is the fact that all the bookcases will be sold at a charity auction in September, the proceeds of which will go to fight against illiteracy. If you're visiting London in the next few weeks, you can see the exact locations of the benches and the story behind each one here. Take a look in our photo gallery to see how the books you can sit in the parks and streets of London look like!

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