
This is a sign that you have matured according to your astrological sign

When you are no longer a child: This is a sign that you have grown up according to your astrological sign

It's hard to know when you've REALLY grown up, because many times it turns out that you've really grown up only in terms of years, but not in intellect and emotions. What the Stars Say About Growing Up - What Signs Show You've Grown Up According to Your Astrological Sign?

The concept of adulthood is subjected to many stereotypes, which determine when he should feel grown-up and what actions prove it. Society's expectations are important to some extent, but more importantly, yes you meet your expectations and you create their standards of adulthood.

Astrology tackles the concept of growing up a bit humorous way - according to them, giving up bad habits is an indicator that you are an adult. A little for fun, a little for real: we searched the funniest habits astrology sign habits that once you break them, you'll finally grow up!


SIGN: You don't tear things, you use scissors.
Your enthusiasm for certain things is legendary, but it can also be destructive. An Aries is considered to be enthusiastic, so it is not unusual that every new thing he indulges in destroy immediately. When you start growing up, it will walk to the scissor drawer became your holy rule, and tearing things is just a memory of the past.


SIGN: You become clear, open and direct.
A bull is considered to be shrouded in mystery, so it is difficult to obtain important information from him (especially when it comes to digital communication). When you step into adulthood, you become clear and always explain things to people are not understandable or they are running away. You simply become direct!



SIGN: You are no longer obsessed with releasing information.
It is in the nature of a Gemini to love collects information and hand them around. Don't worry, we don't exist, but it might be good for you to you learn to brake. The moment you realize that silence is golden and it's okay for people to learn some things from someone else or themselves, you'll realize that you are growing up.


SIGN: You say what you think.
Cancer is extraordinary proud. He gives a lot, but he also expects a lot in return, which is nothing wrong with that. He likes attention, is sensitive and ga no shame in asking people, that they pay attention to him. When you start to grow up, you realize that people can't read your mind and it's much better to say it directly, what's going through your head, because it will make them respect you more.



SIGN: You know how to apologize briefly without dramatizing it.
Leo likes drama and you are without her it does not represent life. He likes to be around people and goes through the stages of interpersonal relationships: from disappointment to acceptance. When you start to grow up, you realize that there is no need to dramatize and excessive apologizing, but it is enough to condense your thoughts into one HONEST sentence. Throwing on the floor, crying and hugging they become your past.

A virgin

SIGN: You don't open/start a new thing before you use up/finish the old one.
Even before you finish watching the old series, you're already hooked on the new one. You open the cereal even though you haven't eaten the old ones yet. Such actions arise from the fact that you have no discipline. When you start growing up, it becomes clear to you that it is better to finish one thing and only then start a new one.



SIGN: You don't seek validation for your actions.
Everyone wants to be popular, but the problem arises when you are looking for validation for your actions, especially your insecurities. Libra will prefer to remain silent rather than speak their mind or stand up to others. When you start growing up, you realize how important it is have your own opinion; how important it is to be happy with yourself and how silly it is to worry about what others think of you. You realize that you don't need validation from others.


SIGN: You finally find things that suit you.
The milestone for each person is knowing which things suit her and which ones you should avoid. It is not only about the external appearance, but also inside (soul). Scorpio is not the best at understanding what is good for him and what is not. You grow up when you realize that certain things are not good for you and you do them you never give back.



SIGN: You no longer act impulsively.
Sagittarius is considered to be born provocateur, which shows all the signs of adulthood already in childhood. Its main advantage is that it is light at the same time smart, a extremely entertaining. Many people do not agree with his rules, which leads to impulsive behavior on the part of the shooter. When you start to grow up, you realize that it is much better for you and the people around you if you you know "angelic", as you have due to impulsive behavior dealing with the devil.


SIGN: You do things yourself instead of asking others to do them for you.
Capricorn is synonymous with maturity, adulthood and stability. He inspires a sense of trust in other people, so it all too often happens that people are willing to do many things for him that otherwise he can do it himself. When you start to grow up, it will be clear to you that it is a blessing if you can you do a certain thing yourself and you will be proud of yourself!



SIGN: You no longer curse at technologies that work slowly.
Aquarius has no nerves and no time for slow technologies. As a sign that loves innovation and a top-of-the-line system, it has trouble being patient whenever dealing with a slow phone or computer. When you start growing up, you realize that it is life is like that, as it is, and not as I would like it to be. But you might start a technological revolution, which will bring improvements.


SIGN: You take an umbrella with you when you think it might rain.
This sign yearns for lightness, so he avoids wearing things that restrict him. He prefers to feel the raindrops on his body because he understands them as connecting with the universe. As you get older, you realize that you don't want to walk around wet anyway, and that even though fish like water, it might be better to dry.


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