
Why is it important to call your friends sometimes and not just text them?

In a world where it is possible to study on the other side of the planet, move to another continent literally overnight or decide to travel for an indefinite number of months, not only romantic relationships but also friendships change under these conditions. How to preserve them in this crazy pace of life? One trick is to realize that it's important to call your friends sometimes, not just text them.

From letters, people have moved to phone calls, from phone calls to text messages, today it is more and more in trend to keep it simple through likes and following on social networks. And therefore is important, to call your friends sometime, rather than just writing to them. Almost all of us, with rare exceptions, are slaves to the ever-faster pace of life. Free time for ourselves and for strengthening ties with good friends is becoming alien to us. On the other hand, we "waste" more and more time by looking at the phone, "scrolling" to infinity and constantly corresponding with other people.

Maybe it's time to try to build a different approach to connecting with each other. Instead of being in contact with your friends all the time via text messages (which also includes all possible forms of communication on social networks), call them several times - if you don't live far away, it's an even better idea to meet up several times in person and spend quality time together (when possible, of course).

Being constantly connected via social media and texting gives us the feeling that we are maintaining friendships, which is true to some extent, but we can quickly fall into the trap of keeping these friendships at a very superficial level.

Genuine and deep relationships that make us happy as people do not only need the flow of information, but rather special conditions for their existence: active listening, interest in our friend's story without distracting phone typing, dedication and time for others.

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