Maybe you feel like you're weak. That you're too emotional. Too sensitive. Too emotionally wounded to ever be truly whole. Maybe the world has convinced you that strength looks different - like steadfastness, like complete certainty, like someone who never doubts themselves.
But what if the truth is the opposite? What if the power lies precisely in doubting, but continuing anyway?
Maybe you thought you had to be someone else to be strong. That you had to carry the mask, to act as if nothing hurts, as if nothing hurts you.
This is not power. This is survival. You are here to live, not just survive.
Power is not big words – it is actions that happen when no one is looking.
When you wake up in the morning and feel an emptiness that lies on your chest like a stone, but you decide to get up anyway. When you're tired of losing over and over again, but you try again anyway. When you tell yourself you can't do it anymore, but you take the next step anyway.
Strength lies in the nights when no one can see you, but you hold together those last pieces of yourself that life hasn't crushed yet.
In the tears you wipe away yourself because there is no one to wipe them away for you.
There is power when you stand in front of the mirror., you look at your fatigue, your scars, your eyes that have seen too much, and you say to yourself: “This is me. And I am enough.”
The world has convinced you that you have to be different. That you have to be quieter. Less emotional. Less intense. That you have to accept less than you deserve because it's supposed to be easier that way.
But the truth is, strength is not in adapting.
It's about daring to be exactly who you are, even if the world doesn't always know how to love those like you.
It is when when you stop asking for crumbs and you start demanding the whole. When you stop proving your worth to those who don't see it. When you stop waiting for permission to stand up for yourself.
It's about not being ashamed of your scars.
Not hiding them as if they were something you should erase. The power lies in not letting your mistakes define you. To allow yourself to dream of something better, even though you don't know how you'll get there.
How many times have you believed you weren't enough because you were hurt? How many times have you wished you were more like those who never show pain?
True strength is not in never falling, but in never giving up.
One day you will wake up and realize that you are no longer afraid. That you will no longer let the past hold you in its chains. Maybe that day is not yet today. Maybe you still carry your battles as if they are the only thing you have ever known.
But believe me – one day you will realize that power was never somewhere outside. It was never in the eyes of others. It was never in the approval of others. She has always been inside you. She was waiting for you to recognize her.
Power is in your name
Don't wait any longer. Don't look for confirmation that you're enough. Don't let anyone tell you what it means to be strong. Strength is not perfection. It's not about never falling, it's about always getting back up.
The power is in your face, your name. It's not something you have to find. It's something you are. You always have been.