
When you have nothing left to fight for - these are 4 things that are by no means normal in a relationship

These are signs that something is very wrong in your relationship!

Love is blind and often we are blind with it. However, we can only turn a blind eye to a certain extent - when things start to really grind and we become miserable, it's the last time we face the truth.

In love, sometimes it's hard to put yourself first. Especially if it might mean that our relationship might be called into question and we'll have to choose between "me" and "we".

But before we are faced with such a difficult dilemma, we usually remain some room for maneuver, to talk to your partner and try to resolve the issues. Things that are by no means normal in a relationship are necessary resolve!

4 things that are not at all normal in a relationship:

You are not looking forward to his/her call


When we've just had an argument or our partner is getting on our nerves, we don't look forward to his/her call, and that's completely normal. But if you keep going "crazy" when you see his/her name on the phone screen, start investigating where the reason for this is.

You always put his/her needs before your own

In relationships, there are imbalances in terms of making compromises - who is more willing to give in? However, these imbalances must be transitory and arise to the "benefit" of both. If the same person always puts their needs before the needs of the other (or the relationship), you can expect problems.

He doesn't keep his promises


The feeling when someone takes you thirsty across water is not difficult just because you don't get what you want, but because there is also a hint of suspicion hidden in it, which undermines your trust in your partner.

He makes excuses for his behavior all the time

There is a difference between someone making excuses now and then, or always having excuses for why he is not guilty and responsible for his actions. You'll be excited for once!

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