
When your partner is not interested in you: if he does NOT listen to you when you talk to him, TRY THIS

When your partner is not interested in you: if he does NOT listen to you when you talk to him, TRY THIS

Do you ever feel like the person you're talking to isn't really listening to you? Although he looks you in the eye, he doesn't respond quickly or accurately enough to what you say. He uses the word "mhm" or "really" too many times, and often breaks eye contact quickly. Zo is so much more frustrating if it's a partner. What to do when your partner doesn't like you?

In relationships with other people, it often happens imbalances – sometimes one person is more interested, other times another. And many times people don't even have the same needs for socializing, so they have to find it then a compromise, so that one person does not feel oversaturated with social relations, and the other does not feel pushed away.
Such imbalances are noticeable also in conversations. It often happens that the person you are talking to he doesn't really listen and his thoughts are somewhere else entirely. And this is a common occurrence even in partner relationships, which drives many couples crazy. What to do then? What to do when your partner is not paying attention to you?

If he does NOT listen to you when you talk to him, TRY THIS:

Talk honestly and openly.
Be active in your relationship - tell your partner in a calm way that you noticed that during your conversation with thoughts somewhere else entirely and you are wondering whether has any concerns. Open communication is the best recipe for resolving conflicts and for a good partnership - YOU KNOW THAT FOR CERTAINLY!

Ask directly for more attention.
Ask your partner directly if he is able to give you more attention, because we would like to entrust him with a certain matter. The fact is that all people have their own joy, and they like to share it with the people they love. And it would be good to your partner also learns to respect this. If he is unable to accommodate you at this time, agree on an approximate time when it is convenient for both of you.

Before attacking your partner, talk to him/her.
Before attacking your partner, talk to him/her.

Use a light touch.
When you start telling something important, touch your partner lightly. This will draw his attention to yourself and your words.

Choose the right moment.
Every person is deeply immersed in his own thoughts here and there. Also, there are better and worse times in life when they are people find it easier and harder to be present for others. If you want to talk about something important with your partner, choose a moment when he is also ready to talk. The easiest way to achieve this is to they find time together to talk.

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