
When your partner is no longer attracted to you: the problems that arise and lead to a breakup

When your partner is no longer attracted to you: the problems that arise and lead to a breakup

There's nothing necessarily wrong with being in a relationship for reasons other than physical attraction, but it's important to be aware of and address the problems that arise when you're not attracted to each other enough.

People enter the romantic relationships for various reasons. And attractiveness is only one of them. Many people choose their partner to comply with family or wider social pressure. Some commit because of the sense of security they feel in their relationship with their partner. Still others fall in love, but not on a physical level.

The form of romantic relationships is almost endless, only such as exist in romantic comedies are impossible to find.

When your partner is no longer attracted to you...

Bad sex life

People who are in a relationship where physical attraction is lacking are less satisfied with their sex life. In the long run, this can be detrimental to both the relationship and the well-being of each individual. But there is nothing wrong if two people persist in such a relationship and they do not lack sexuality at all.


If at least one partner still wants to explore their sexuality, but does not satisfy this need in a romantic relationship, affairs can occur on one, the other, or both sides.

Affairs can be the result of dissatisfaction in the relationship
Affairs can be the result of dissatisfaction in the relationship

Dissatisfaction with the relationship

If one or both partners do not have their basic needs addressed, including the need for sex, they can quickly become dissatisfied with other aspects of the relationship as well. It can happen that they begin to be terribly bothered by the absolute trifles.

Emotional alienation

Sexuality is closely related to establishing and maintaining intimacy, which is the key to success in a close relationship. If the two partners are not attracted enough and consequently have a worse sex life, emotional alienation can quickly occur.

Sometimes one partner feels attracted and the other doesn't
Sometimes one partner feels attracted and the other doesn't

Lack of respect

If both partners are not aware of the flaws in their relationship, say they lack the spark they both want, they can start blaming each other and a lack of respect appears, which further undermines the relationship.

Lack of tenderness

In partners who are not attracted enough, there is also a lack of tenderness, which at first glance has little to do with sexuality. Such couples hug less, hold hands, caress and touch less at all.

Gentleness is also an important aspect of a good relationship
Gentleness is also an important aspect of a good relationship


A lack of attraction in a romantic relationship is not necessarily a sign that you should end the relationship. It is often possible to (re)kindle the attraction. It can hide under unresolved personal or interpersonal conflicts, excessive stress at work or some mood disorders. However, if the lack of attraction is something that cannot be resolved, it is important that you are aware of this deficiency in your relationship and talk about it, communicate your concerns, fears and desires to each other.

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