
When your wounds have not yet healed: signs that you entered a new relationship too quickly

A broken heart should be taken seriously. When we break up with a partner, we can feel a sense of loss that in many cases is almost devastating. That's when it's tempting to put a Band-Aid on the wound in the form of a new romance. And in certain situations there is nothing wrong with this, but in this way we can jeopardize the new relationship. If we have not yet gotten over our ex-love, it may happen that after the initial butterflies we start comparing the new partner with the previous one. In life, we must also be able to take time for tears and mourning.

These are signs that you entered a new relationship too quickly...

You are repeating old mistakes in the relationship.

Like people, all relationships are sprinkled with certain flaws. And there's nothing wrong with that. The problem is when you start revolving around one and the same point, which puts you in a lot of trouble. Maybe you need some time to realize what patterns are repeating in your life and why!

Do you often remember moments with your ex?
Do you often remember moments with your ex?

You compare your new partner with your ex.

Do you find yourself comparing your new partner to your ex? Although you probably can't help it and you're not doing it consciously, it's not fair to anyone. Is it possible that you haven't quite gotten over your ex yet and are now idealizing him/her a bit? If this happens to you often, just being aware that you have a problem with it can help you to a great extent. Take some time for yourself and time to recover. In this way, you will make room and opportunity for your current relationship.

You still often talk about your ex-partner.

Does your ex appear very often in your narrative? When we end a relationship with someone, it doesn't mean they have to become dead to us overnight. On the contrary, such a relationship can be very unhealthy for both people involved. There's nothing wrong with being able to talk about your ex with your partner, after all, your life didn't start the moment you entered your current relationship. However, talking about your ex all the time is something else entirely.

Are you repeating old mistakes in your relationship?
Are you repeating old mistakes in your relationship?

You miss your ex-partner.

One of the more attractive reasons for entering into a romantic relationship is that the presence of a person who excites us often relieves us of our own hardships and worries, at least for a few moments. If it happens very often that you start to miss your ex when you are alone, you may need some time to get over it.

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