
Where to on May 1, 2018?

We entered 2018 at the speed of light. We are entering the summer, sunny, light days even faster. May Day, Labor Day, is already here. The day on which the holiday falls fits our calendar this year, so you will be able to take several days off. If you have no idea where to go for the first of May, you are deciding at the last minute and you need an idea for a destination, this one is very close to you. See where you can go for May 1st this year.

The first of May is the perfect time to take a long break. You can view it here ideas, where to go on a May Day trip.



For May 1, 2018, you can definitely go to our coast.
For May 1, 2018, you can definitely go to our coast.

The saying goes, home is the best – if you admire beauty of Slovenia, you may not have enough time or funds to go to more distant places, is Slovene coast the best choice: this one reveals much more than meets the eye of our coastal towns.

In Koper, there are plenty of cozy bars where you can enjoy coffee and breakfast already in the morning. Filled with energy, you can head to Fiesa, where you can admire a beautiful view over the bay. The journey does not end here. You should also go for a delicious lunch in Piran, where you can, among other things, The Piran Museum of Underwater Activities see displays of diving from its beginnings to the present day. To get the most out of your May Day holiday, visit Sečoveljska solina landscape park, where you can watch birds and Museum of Saltworks, which shows the medieval method of salt production. You can also take a look inside the saltworks house.

Where does the path end? Where you want. There are many beauties to explore. On the way home, don't forget to stop at the coast between Ankaran and Luka Koper, where you must visit Graveyard of shells, which is full of various shells and snails.


Have you already visited Pula?
Have you already visited Pula?

Croatian coast has been a popular holiday location for Slovenians for many years - if you want to enjoy, relax, rest and also get additional education, visit Pula. This picturesque and lively coastal town on Croatia due to historical remains Romans and beautiful surrounding attractions attracts thousands of tourists every year.

Pula is a suitable location for a one-day trip to the sea, which can be much more than just a trip. Use the time in the morning to city tour - don't forget to see the beautiful architecture of the famous Roman amphitheater from the 1st century, Pula Arena. Among other things, they also join historical sights Temple of Augustus, triumphal arch of Sergius Golden Gate and Naval Cemetery, which is a popular promenade of local residents, as the beautifully landscaped parks present their own special story.

The journey does not end here - after visiting the city, you can also drive to Premanture and Cape Kamenjak, a stone piece of nature's art, where you can retreat to beautiful bays and enjoy the crystal clear sea.


Italian towns along the coast are also inviting. (The photo shows Gradež.)
Italian towns along the coast are also inviting. (The photo shows Gradež.)

If you are not satisfied with the Slovenian coast, head a few hundred kilometers further Italy and start a day trip at sea in the village of Marano Lagunare. This one lies on the outskirts Maran lagoons, which consists of nature reserves, and is the only settlement on the coast of the lagoon. If you are a fish lover, she will charm you with the fishing spirit, because it is right there the largest fish market in the region.

After visiting the village, take a boat tour State Nature Reserve of Estuary of the River Stella - this consists of many ditches and islets that separate the lagoon from the open sea, and at the same time you can see many birds that have found shelter and food here. The journey does not end yet, as you must rest on at least one of the stunning sandy beaches in slightly more touristy places Lignano Sabbiadoro, Gradez, Bibione, Caorle.


MOROCCO (Africa)


You've probably noticed on the web that countless tourists have been visiting lately Morocco. You are probably also wondering why. During this time, in Morocco the temperatures are still bearable, but the number of tourists has not reached its peak. Therefore, you will be able to see everything beauty of this colorful city and enjoyed in exotic cultural touch.



So that you don't go to warm places every year, why not see a little more at first glance cold Norway. This one is especially beautiful in May: cooler, refreshing temperatures they provide shelter from fast approaching heat waves. Colorful nature and cities are the right choice for all those who are interested in you culture and wandering.

Basque Country (Spain)

Basque country
Basque country

You will catch the last wave pleasant May temperatures. Basque country is one of the more popular pieces Spain. The landscape with many beaches and high waves is a paradise for those who they are surfing. The rest of you will feel the Spanish waves just by swimming.


Vienna (Austria)


Good old man Vienna, the European capital, the beauty of which you can experience even in an extended weekend. She will charm you not only with many attractions, but also with activities, which are also fun for children.

Theme parks of Veneto and Lombardy (Italy)


Beautiful hilly landscape is definitely one of the reasons why to visit the Italian province of Veneto. An experience in Italian theme parks is something that will enchant the whole family.

Grešna Gorica (Croatia)

Sinful Gorica
Sinful Gorica

Croatia boasts not only attractive beaches, but also with stunning nature, which many people don't know. Close, but still so far, many people don't even know thermal springs, many historical mansions and excellent cuisine. Children will also have fun.

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