
Where did the female stereotype of "happy housewives" come from?

A day in the life of an American housewife in 1941.

Advertisements are mainly to blame today, but if you're wondering where the image of a woman who doesn't go to work, who cooks, washes, irons, cleans the apartment, takes care of the children and her husband, she looks happy and smiling like never before, and yes let's not forget, always well-groomed from head to toe, it takes a good half century into the past. Because although it seems that today the happy housewife is just a myth, looking back shows that we found such women in everyday life as well. Just check out a day in the life of an American housewife in 1941.

There is nothing much about women stereotypes, quite a masculine world with a lot of extras male chauvinism how does it fit. Fortunately, the world has been moving towards everything for the last half century greater equality, albeit with baby steps, which is why even in the 21st century we have not yet shaken off the notion of a woman as a sexual object, and we also hear anachronistic sentences such as "that a woman belongs to the stove".

If you are wondering where the saying that a woman supports the three corners came from, here is the proof.
If you are wondering where the saying that a woman supports the three corners came from, here is the proof.

If you are wondering where this is from an ingrained notion, you don't have to go far back in history. Happy housewives they were before the Second World War dominant "profession" women in both America and Europe. And if women "liked" to play this role until then, they did after the attack on Pearl Harbor their expectations changed, starting in the US.

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Check through the photos a day in the life of the average American housewife in 1941:

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