
Where in the world can we drink tap water?

Drinking tap water is a privilege.

For most Slovenians, clean drinking water is a self-evident part of everyday life, while for others it is a commodity for which they have to fight. Because despite the fact that two-thirds of the Earth is covered by water, most of it is too salty to drink. Thus, almost 900 million people do not have access to safe drinking water, and even more can only dream of drinking tap water. Slovenians, in fact the majority of Europeans, are one of the few in the world with the privilege of not having to buy bottled water for a sip of water. Only a handful of countries can boast of this. Are you interested in which ones?

Drinking water it represents only one percent of the world's water supply, and supplies continue to shrink. Slovenia is one of the few countries in the world that is rich in water resources, and in terms of quantity and quality we are in the very top of Europe. Yet we love to reach for bottled water, not even realizing what a privilege we have when we can we also drink water from the tap. It is tap water today luxury goods. We are most aware of this when we travel the world, and the infographic below is a nice one proof of how elite a club Slovenia is.

READ MORE: Evian & Alexander Wang – because good water is art

Where in the world can we drink tap water?
Where in the world can we drink tap water?

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