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Where there is no fight, there is no love: 5 things a man only does when he truly loves

How do you know a man really loves you?

Read below what 5 things a man will do only for the woman he loves with all his heart.

He listens to you

If you've ever thought that men sometimes act like children, you're right. Most men only focus on what really excites them. If he loves you, then your voice is music to his ears.

He's arguing with you

Disagreement does not always mean that the relationship is creaking. If he really loves you and if he is sincerely interested in continuing the relationship with you, then he will definitely devote his time to an argumentative argument that will smooth out your problems. Such arguments are a good indicator of how hard you work in your relationship.


He sacrifices his own interests for your happiness

This is one of the most obvious signs that a man really loves a woman. If he refuses to do what he would like to do just to make you happy, he will show that he loves you, respects you and always puts you first.

He fights for your love

A man full of love endures all the blows of fate and fights for your love. He will find the strength to overcome all difficulties, just to be with you. He is proud of your achievements. When a man loves a woman, he is happiest when she is happy.


You're also attractive to him, even if you're a complete mess

When a man truly loves a woman, she is always beautiful in his eyes, no matter what. He will look at you lovingly even when your hair is disheveled, in your pajamas and without makeup.

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