Where in the world do they drink the most alcohol and what amounts are we talking about? See what the World Health Organization found. PS: Where do you think the Slovenians are?
Report World Health Organization (WHO) showed that they are the biggest consumers of alcohol Belarusians (one inhabitant drinks 17 liters of alcohol annually). Immediately behind them are their neighbors, i.e. the residents Eastern and also of Central Europe.
In the Balkans Serbs drink the most (12.5 liters of alcohol per inhabitant per year), they are right behind them Croats.
They drink the least amount of alcohol Turks (2.5 liters). In China, the average is between 5 and 7.4 liters, in the US between 7.5 and 9.9 liters, and in India between 2.5 and 4.9 liters.
What about Slovenia? We drink on average 11.6 liters per capita. Until interactive folders you can access here.
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