
Where to this weekend? #30

Garage sale in Tabor Park.

The weekend will be colorful again - it's one time one. We will dance, watch good movies, clean the garage and the attic, sit romantically under the stars, fight and explore the wonderful corners of this world.


This Friday we will spice it up with music. How could you not, when such a wonderful weather and music forecast is promising. Annual theater in Kranj will thus host band Bajaga & Instructors, Nieti and Panicka will get them on their feet club Oxygen in Ljutomer, Brencl gang will play in the Prulček bar in Ljubljana, on the other side of Ljubljana Castle, and on Metelkova, we will taste scrambled eggs and a wide variety of musical genres in Gala Hala.

And when we mentioned the Ljutometer. On Friday and Saturday, we can still hurry to the 10th Festival of Fantastic Film and Wine - it invites us under its wing again this year Grossmann.


Let's reserve Sunday for a trip, and use Saturday to clean the garage. Things that have been gathering dust in the corners of our garage, basement and attic for too long deserve a chance to find a new owner. At a garage sale in Tabor Park in Ljubljana this Saturday we will be able to trade, sell and buy clothes, books, toys, sports equipment, furniture, electronic devices, records and other valuables.

Garage sale in Tabor Park.
Garage sale in Tabor Park.

In the afternoon or evening, we can jump to Bled among the old-time cyclists and the performances of the boatmen, join the children in To the theater from a suitcase and spend a romantic Bled night under the lights by the lake and fireworks over the town.


If on Saturday we went back a few years and pulled everything we loved years ago from the garages, on Sunday at Medieval day on Gornji trg in the capital, let's explore Luwigana. We will witness knightly duels, sword fighting, archery and other adventures that we learned about in school or saw in movies.

Plitvice Lakes
Plitvice Lakes

And of course we also promised an idea for a Sunday trip. If you are one of those who have been planning for years trip to Plitvice Lakes, maybe now is the time. While we like to go out into nature on the weekends, but we don't know where, this beautiful national park in Croatia calls out for adventure. Let's prepare something good to eat and a selection of our favorite music, and then head towards the sixteen beautiful lakes between the forests near Mala Kapela and Plješivice. Enjoyment and good photos guaranteed!

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