
Where to go for the winter school holidays 2015?

The winter school holidays, like the summer ones, are something unforgettable and, above all, relaxing. To make them especially memorable this year, let's take a few days off and go on a slightly different, more daring short or longer trip with family or friends. See how you will experience the interesting winter school holidays 2015?

Let's build a winter shelter: an igloo (French Alps)

Let the winter school holidays of 2015 be accompanied by a ski trip to the southern French Alps, where we can spice things up in a very special way and treat ourselves to a night under the stars in an igloo. The independent tourism company Undiscovered Alps organizes an "igloo expedition" in the southern French Alps that we will never forget. It is a real winter night trek into the alpine wilderness, where we will have to build an igloo ourselves on the expedition, which is far from being as easy as it looks at first glance. Of course, a guide will help us build our lodging. Before the real winter sleep, we will treat ourselves to a delicious dinner and the highlight of the holiday will be perfect. No worries. If we are not the adventurous type who would build an igloo in the middle of snowy mountains, we can find a village of six igloos high above 2000 meters in Orcieres, where we can sleep on comfortable mattresses in a warm sleeping bag.

READ MORE: Do you know when the 2015 winter holidays are?

For the construction of the igloo, we will find a special place with the expedition and build a place to stay.
For the construction of the igloo, we will find a special place with the expedition and build a place to stay.

Traveling around the castles and towns of the Gulf of Trieste (Italy)

For the 2015 winter school holidays, we don't have to go far to experience winter by sea. We can take a one-day trip on any day, with family or friends. In the morning, we head straight for Trieste and embark on a journey through the castles and towns of the Gulf of Trieste. The beautiful castles of Miramare and Devine should be key stops where we can have a snack and learn more about the castles' past. The Miramare is richly furnished and magnificent, while the Devine is mighty and famous for hosting many famous names, including the writer Rainer Maria Rilke. After the tour, let's drive to Gradež, which grew out of a fishing village, for a walk along the sandy coast, maybe we'll come across the remains of shells, which are otherwise abundant in the spring. A hot chocolate in one of the lovely seaside bars will warm us up immediately, and then, if we take a trip on Sunday, we can take a boat to the small island of Barbana.

Miramare Castle is magnificent both in summer and in winter.
Miramare Castle is magnificent both in summer and in winter.

Skiing for the whole family (Czech Republic)

Janské Lázne in the Czech Republic is a very lovely spa town in the Giant Mountains, about two hours' drive from Prague. 14 kilometers of slopes are ideal for beginner skiers and children. Thanks to the magical surrounding forests and gentle slopes, the resort is extremely friendly for families with children, while also being affordable and affordable. A five-day vacation for the winter school holidays 2015 will cost us around 350 euros, and in addition to skiing, we can also look forward to beautiful surroundings. Nearby, in the small town of Hostinné, we can visit baroque castles and a museum of ancient art.

Janské Lázne in the Czech Republic is an ideal place for skiing with children.
Janské Lázne in the Czech Republic is an ideal place for skiing with children.

Winter Transylvania (Romania)

Traveling through winter Transylvania, a region that stretches from the west through the central part of Romania, with its Gothic castles, Saxon villages and horse-drawn carriages, will make you feel like you are on the pages of a rich picture book. Which is not a bad thing, since Transylvania is the land of Count Dracula. On the way, we must not miss the famous Bran Castle, which stands on a 61-meter-high rock. It is known for its admirable towers, but also for the fact that the famous ruler Vlad Tepes is said to have lived there. Among the Gothic tourist attractions, you can spend the night in the Ice Hotel on Lake Balea, which is renewed every year with ice from the lake. The beds are made of ice, but lined with comfortable and warm mattresses, blankets and polar sleeping bags. Let's not forget the garlic and the winter school holidays 2015 will remain in our fond memories.

While exploring the Gothic sights, you can spend the night in the Ice Hotel on Lake Balea
While exploring the Gothic sights, you can spend the night in the Ice Hotel on Lake Balea

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