
Where to go on holiday 2019: alternative holiday destinations

Blue Lagoon, Comino, Malta

Are you also wondering where to go on vacation in 2019? We can always help you with this! Here are alternative holiday destinations for this year. This means that we will not stop in the most famous cities, islands, beaches in the world, but we have looked for (less well-known) alternatives.

If you also have a question, where to go on vacation in 2019, you can relax. We will try to help you. For this purpose, we searched for alternative holiday destinations that are just as beautiful and worth visiting.

Still wondering where to go on vacation in 2019? Then quickly check our list below and prepare your suitcases.

Instead of Iceland… visit the Azores.


According to Bloomberg data, tourists outnumbered Icelanders in 2017 by a ratio of 7:1. Although Iceland is beautiful and definitely worth a visit, the huge number of tourists in the high season (June to August) certainly does not contribute to the sustainability of the country. We recommend that you visit Iceland in autumn, winter or spring, and for summer holidays you should choose the Azores.

The Azores are located in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, west of mainland Portugal. They are less visited than Iceland, but they also boast wild and adventurous terrain. Travelers can expect lush forests, volcanoes and deep blue water. According to Lonely Planet data, 5 percent of the Azores are developed, and around 75 percent of the energy comes from renewable sources. This is the first alternative destination that you can ask about where to go on vacation in 2019, already helps a bit.

Instead of London… visit York.

York, England
York, England

London is considered one of the most visited cities in the world. It hosts between 30 and 40 million tourists every year, and people prefer to visit it in the summer. Instead of heading to London, this year travel to one of England's smaller and lesser-known cities: York.

York is only a 2-hour drive from the capital, and the medieval city is just as rich in history and charm as more expensive and overcrowded London. Take hambles for example. A narrow cobbled maze and probably one of the most famous medieval streets in the world, it is York's most popular attraction. The city is surrounded by a wall almost 5 kilometers long, which is, among other things, the longest intact wall in England. York is also a wonderful destination for all book lovers, as it has more charming and unusual bookshops than London. And just like in London, here you'll find plenty of pubs where you can enjoy a pint of beer.

Instead of Amsterdam... visit Utrecht.

Utrecht, Netherlands
Utrecht, Netherlands

Famous canals, bike-friendly roads, colorful terraced houses - we're not surprised that Amsterdam is so alluring. It's lively, fun and relatively accessible for tourists, but so is Utrecht, except without the crowds.

It is located a good 45 kilometers from the Dutch capital, and is often referred to as a "casual alternative to Amsterdam". This city also has canals, bikes and great coffee. The small, beautiful medieval city is rich in history and culture, making it the perfect alternative to the already overcrowded Amsterdam.

Instead of Capri... visit Comino.

Blue Lagoon, Comino, Malta
Blue Lagoon, Comino, Malta

Two years ago, the mayor of Capri, Italy, warned that the popular holiday destination was in danger of exploding due to the number of tourists. The historic and diverse island in the Gulf of Naples is visited by the most people in the summer. This year choose Malta and the island of Comino instead of Capri.

The island measures 3 and a half square kilometers, and only three inhabitants live on it, which means that there are almost no cars on the island. Like Capri, Como also has a rich history, namely it was inhabited by knights and pirates. It is perfect for anyone who loves hiking, camping, snorkeling, lazing around, and anyone who would like to swim in the famous Blue Lagoon.

Instead of Munich... visit Plzeň.

Pilsen, Czech Republic
Pilsen, Czech Republic

Munich is known for its beer, beautiful architecture and proximity to the Alps. It also hosts the biggest beer festival in the world, Oktoberfest, every year, so it's no wonder that tourists want to visit it at least once in their lives. Although it is not as crowded as, for example, the German capital Berlin, other European cities that are famous for beer can be an excellent alternative for this year's summer vacation - such as Plzeň in the Czech Republic.

The birthplace of Pilsner beer (first produced 177 years ago) is the perfect destination for beer lovers and history buffs. In 1290, Wenceslaus II. The Czechs were granted the status of the Royal City of Justice and Freedom, and the charming city center was declared a historical landmark. Home to the second largest synagogue in Europe, the cobbled city is a great summertime choice for enjoying a beer and exploring Eastern Europe, not to mention affordable. The Czech capital, Prague, is only a 90-minute train ride away.

We hope that we managed to help you at least a little in choosing this year's holiday destination, or in answering where to go on vacation in 2019! Do you like our selection? Do you have a good suggestion for an alternative holiday destination? Write in a comment!

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