
Where's Wallet - the smart wallet you can't lose

Where's Wallet wallet

Where's Wallet is a smart wallet that you won't lose. Well, fortunately, we rarely lose our wallets, but that's why we often forget or store them. But while we can call the phone or use an app for that, that doesn't come into play when looking for a wallet. Well, if we correct ourselves immediately. That's where the Where's Wallet comes in, a classic but smart sensor wallet that's raising startup funds on Kickstarter.

Where's Wallet it is smart wallet, which outwardly remains a good old wallet. Namely, despite the fact that everything is moving to smartphones and that they are already a means of payment, the habit is an iron shirt, so physical wallets will not be forgotten just yet.

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And when we're just about to forget. We love them store it or forget it at home and then either frantically search for them or feel awkward at the cash register while fumbling around. But that is now a thing of the past, as Where's Wallet contains thin sensor, which connects to the corresponding mobile application, which tells us where it is. And how does it work?

We specify in the application maximum distance from the wallet and if we are out of range with our phone, we are notified. If we don't know where the wallet is actually located, we can further help ourselves with the application, as it turns this phone into a kind of metal detector, except that in this case beware of the "tošlo". In addition, it can force the wallet to start advertising itself. If the distance is greater, it will show you on the map and chart a path. It is available in three sizes, and all are made of vegetable-tanned leather. Order it at To the Kicksterter, and you can expect it in your mailbox in August 2015.

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