
Which 4 astrological signs will be the happiest in 2019?

2018 was a year full of ups and downs. We are slowly but surely approaching the new year, 2019, and we are all full of expectations for what it brings. We hope it will be awesome for everyone! The stars predict the most luck with these 4 astrological signs. Is your sign among those who are supposed to be the happiest in 2019?

What 4 astrological signs will be in 2019 the happiest?

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

2019 will be exciting.
2019 will be exciting.

Capricorns, get ready to shine. Next year you will feel great and in balance with your skills and abilities. There is a possibility that you will open up to new things that have their roots in the past. Pay attention to a difficult period in your personal relationships. You will really have to focus on maintaining a romantic relationship. Here you may face some problems. But if you stay strong and keep your head up, this year will be really exciting.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

Everyone will see and feel your good energy.
Everyone will see and feel your good energy.

Your newfound energy will shine through and everyone will notice your good vibes. However, there will also be some downfalls. But that will only make you stronger and, frankly, you'll handle these falls with grace compared to other astrological signs. You also have two opportunities: you can travel to another country or you can go on a spiritual journey. Love will be lacking especially in August.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

This year, you virgins will bloom.
This year, you virgins will bloom.

That's it, virgins! This will be your year. Your mental and physical condition will flourish in the coming year. The beginning of the year will be smooth, but after May you may face some problems. Be careful when it comes to business. There are some snakes in your field who do not have your best interest in mind.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

It's time for a fresh start.
It's time for a fresh start.

The new year is ready for you. Leave all bad feelings and negativity in the past, it's time for a fresh start. Your relationship problems will resolve themselves. If you have the feeling that someone wants to harm you, don't pay any attention to it. It is not worth your time and your energy. Better things await you.

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