
Which are the best and worst wives in the horoscope?

What is yours?

When you love someone, you also accept all his and her faults. Regardless, let's see which astrological sign makes the ideal wife, and which astrologers say is the worst.


Women of this astrological sign are very emotional and devoted. They wear their hearts on their palms. Unfortunately, such emotional exposure usually leads them to a broken heart. But despite the fact that they are very easy to hurt, Cancer is a classic example of a woman who is the right choice for a stable and long-term relationship.

They love the idea of marriage; it is something that gives meaning to their lives. They are extremely caring and will do anything to adapt to their husband and children. They are pure of heart and will never lie. You can trust them.

If your wife is a Cancer woman, you will not be disappointed because she will enrich your life with pure and selfless love. They are the best wives among the astrological signs.


Pisces women are trustworthy. They will never let anyone down, even if that person has done nothing to earn their trust and love. They will always give a second chance. They may seem a little shy at first, but once they let you in, you'll discover a whole new world of love and affection.

Because of their creativity, they are highly intelligent and have that wonderful side that you won't be able to forget. They are moody, but when you think about how much good they have in their hearts, you'll forgive them for that.


Libras are very emotional and are the friendliest sign in astrology. They always strive to be positive and happy. They cannot sleep peacefully until they have resolved any arguments with their partner, and therefore they will insist on solving problems as soon as possible.

They inspire partners to achieve their goals. This is what makes their partners want to be better people. They are art lovers and masters of romance.



Once they find someone they love, women of this sign are very devoted to that person. Nothing seems more important to them than this person. They will dedicate their lives to them. They are highly intelligent and want more than just physical things in a relationship.

If you want to get their attention you will have to challenge their mind along with their body. You must be a perfect match intellectually and emotionally. They are fiercely loyal once you win them over and protective of their family – especially when it comes to their children.


These women are very impulsive because they do not like to be bored. If they get the feeling that they are stuck in a routine, they will immediately do something about it. So, if you want to marry an Aquarius woman, you have to be careful not to let your relationship stagnate because she will leave you. Because if she sees that the relationship is not moving in the right direction, she will leave and find something more exciting.

They are smart and want to get along with their partner. So if you are able to follow her enthusiasm and intelligence, marry her, you won't regret it!


When they set their mind to something, they will achieve it - one way or another. They are multitaskers - they take care of children, house, work and most importantly, lead a happy married life.

If you want to marry this type of woman, you need to know that you need to be very organized. They can't stand laziness or people who promise things and do nothing. Anything less than perfect organization and achieving goals is a waste of time for them.



These women are complicated. One moment they will act like the best wife you could wish for with their loving words and caring actions, and then in a split second they can completely change, just like that, for no reason.

If you want to marry a woman from this sign, you must know that there are two sides to her that you will have to live with. It's easy to live with a loving and kind side, but what about when the other side comes out? Think you're ready for it?


Scorpio women are not the worst choice to spend the rest of your life with. They tend to bring out the best in you, but in a special way that doesn't appeal to everyone.

The fact is that they have very high standards; if you cannot follow it and achieve such high goals, you will not succeed in conquering it. Therefore, only the strongest are able to tame it.

A virgin

Virgos are very organized and think they know exactly what is wrong and what is right. If you want to live with them, you will have to accept the fact that everything will have to be their way.

On the other hand, if you entertain them, you'll experience incredible love like you've never had before, because deep down they'll understand what you're going through and they'll return the favor. If your marriage lasts, you will get used to her behavior pattern.



If you win a lioness, you've won the lottery! But be careful - if she doesn't get what she wants, she will hurt you. She won't just look ugly, she'll get mad! So think twice before getting involved with her. But if you win her heart, you will experience unconditional love.

When they love someone, they love them forever. She won't mind sharing the attention with you. Just don't be around her when she gets angry - run away until she cools down.


These women are very competent and wonderful and magnificent. There is no doubt that you will instantly fall in love with this type of woman.

They are very faithful in marriage, and they expect something in return. If you don't give them what they want, they will leave and find someone who will. Don't disappoint her because she will tear you apart.


If you want to be confused and not realize what is going on, marry this woman. They are very passionate and cannot stay in one place for too long, as they cannot stand boredom or stagnation. As soon as they feel something holding them back, they will run away and never come back.

Accept them as they are and never try to tame them because you won't succeed, you'll only regret it. They want freedom more than commitment and you can't change that. The only solution is to be as free-spirited as they are. Then you will have a perfect marriage.


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