
Which child in the family are you? This affects at what age you will meet your life partner

Photo: envato

Have you ever wondered if birth order - the order of your birth affects your love life? Would you believe that first-borns find partners faster than the youngest children?

Family birth order is one of those factors that is often overlooked when we think about how it shapes our lives.

Although it is natural to focus on the more obvious aspects such as upbringing, environment and personal experiences, birth order has a surprisingly significant influence on the development of our personality and social skills. These properties then shape the way how we approach love and partnership relations.

Are you wondering when, based on your birth order, you could meet your future husband?

Are you the oldest or the youngest child in the family? Photo: Vika Glitter / Pexels

Let's look at how birth order affects the timing and way we find our soulmate.

The firstborn child

These children have a strong sense of responsibility and leadership skills. This innate desire to succeed can distract them from finding a soulmate early on, as they focus on establishing a strong career and personal life first.

The likely age at which firstborns will meet their future partner is between 33 and 37 years old, when they gain enough experience and wisdom to make informed decisions in relationships.

The middle child

Middle children occupy a unique position in the family, as they are often peacemakers and negotiators. Their ability to empathize and adapt makes them great partners. For middle children, the search for a soulmate is often intertwined with many important relationships that eventually lead them to true love.

The most likely age at which middle children will meet their future partner is between 32 and 36, when they find a balance between personal and partner needs.

Are you the oldest child in the family? Photo: Artempodrez / Pexels

The youngest child

Youngest siblings often have a carefree, adventurous spirit that makes them open to new experiences, including love. They are likely to meet their soulmates when they least expect it, often during a period of personal exploration and growth.

For the youngest, the ideal age to meet a future partner is between 20 and 25, as they are more willing to accept spontaneity and risks in love.

The only one

Singles, who are used to solitude and independence, can search for their soulmate for a long time, because they carefully value their relationships.

The ideal age for singles to find their future partner is between 28 and 32, when they have reached the emotional maturity that allows them to develop deep and lasting connections.

Do you have twins? Photo: Pexels-Pixabay


Geminis share a special bond that can affect their romantic lives in interesting ways. Identical twins may be looking for a partner who complements their twin's personality. Others are attracted to partners who give them a sense of individuality and contrast.

The ideal age for a Gemini to meet their soulmate is between 23 and 28.

Birth order only gives us a glimpse of general trends, but each love story remains unique.

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