
Which children have been the most naughty this year and will not get presents from Santa?

Naughty children

Christmas is just around the corner and children are already eagerly waiting for the presents under the Christmas tree. Parents usually scare their children in the days leading up to Christmas that they will not get presents if they are naughty and that they should behave themselves because Santa Claus is watching them or they will be blacklisted. Good behavior today also means responsible web surfing. Kaspersky Lab has revealed which children were the most naughty in this area in 2016.

To a provider of cyber security solutions Kaspersky Lab he revealed which children were the most naughty in 2016, when it comes to use of the web. A look at the statistics shows that most of the time they tried to access dangerous websites children in Israel (775 access attempts per person), followed by children in Great Britain (460), well in the USA (352), in Sweden (345) and in Canada (302). The research covered the period between December 2015 and November 2016, taking into account the data obtained with the help of the parental control function (Parental Control) on platforms Windows and Mac OS X. Those children who tried to visit adult content, inquired about alcohol, tobacco and narcotics, games, online shops, pages with inappropriate language, gambling, lottery and betting, redirecting HTTP requests, religious content, violence, weapons, explosives and pyrotechnics, wanted on an online communication platform, etc., which are all contents that can be blocked using the module parental control.

READ MORE: What about unwanted Christmas presents? Trade them in for a burger at Burger King!

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Have you been diligent enough this year? Dare to show Santa your online search history?

Research findings show that Italian youth they are most interested in gambling (3.6 attempts), and access to pages with inappropriate language is most often tempting Portuguese children (60). Children in Israel show the most interest in content related to tobacco, alcohol and narcotics (687), and the most attempts to visit pages with violent content are recorded among Americans. Of course, all these access attempts are not necessarily intentional, children can also find themselves on such pages by accidentally clicking on an ad or via someone else's link. And which kids try the most cover your tracks? The research, which included 3,780 families from seven countries, reveals that the most likely attempts to hide evidence are small Americans and Russians. "Mom and dad cannot constantly watch over the child to prevent accidental encounters with, for example, pornographic content or websites that promote drug use. Therefore, specialized information technology services that inform parents about attempts to access such sites and help prevent children from viewing inappropriate content are very important," says Kaspersky Lab.

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