
Which face is smiling? The answer lies in how your brain works

You can find out which side of your brain is more active with the help of a simple test. Look at the illustrations and choose the face that you think is smiling and happier - left or right.

Science claims that one half of the brain is dominant in each person. This is precisely what determines what are your priorities in life – are you more inclined to think logically or creatively and the like.

1. Those whose left side of the brain is more active are more prone to logical thinking and objectivity.
2. Individuals who 'cooperate' more with the right side of the brain are more subjective, intuitive and inclined to thinking.

Neuroscientist Bruno Dubuc says, that the left side of the brain controls the left side of the body, and the right side controls the right side. This was also proven by neuroscientists dr. Pierre Paul Broca and dr. Karl Wernicke, who discovered in the 19th century that people have language problems due to damage to certain areas on the left side of the brain, which supports the theory that left side of the brain responsible for analytical thinking and languages.

Based on their theory, you too can discover, which side of your brain works better with the help of a simple test. Look at the illustration and choose which face is happier - left or right.

Which face is smiling?
Which face is smiling?

Which face is smiling?

Left face

It is more active with you left side of the brain, which means you are better at solving tasks that involve logic, language and analytical thinking. Abilities linked to the left side of the brain:

  • language
  • logic
  • critical thinking
  • numbers
  • judging
Which face did you choose?
Which face did you choose?

Right face

Your right side is dominant, which proves that you are good at expressive and creative tasks. Abilities linked to the right side of the brain:

  • reading emotions
  • expressing emotions
  • music
  • colors
  • creativity
  • imagination
  • face recognition

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