
Which is better: electric or manual toothbrush?

Photo: Flegis

Today we want to have everything in electric form. Even with basic things like oral hygiene. Is that really better? What to choose? Electric or manual toothbrush? Which electric one? A flood of products and information that only confuses the customer, but we all want only one thing: to have beautiful, clean teeth and healthy gums.

Electric toothbrushes they have been on the market for a long time, but they are not all the same. At first, there were only mechanical ones, which turned out to be very aggressive, despite the attachments with soft bristles. Plaque is soft, so we don't need rough brushing to successfully remove it. Considering that they are formed very quickly, it would be more correct to say yes by brushing, we break down the structure of dental plaques and thereby prevent mineralization - the formation of hard plaques or tartar. This is the main cause of periodontal disease, inflammation of the soft and hard periodontal tissues, the resulting loosening of the teeth and, in the last stage, also the loss of teeth. If we brush too aggressively or with aggressive means and tools, which is the case with a mechanical electric toothbrush, the consequences can be gum damage, bleeding and inflammation, and on the other hand, tooth damage, exposed necks, tooth sensitivity and root caries. Definitely something that every dentist advises against.

Sonic toothbrush Curaprox Hydrosonic pro. Extremely gentle, with a superb effect. For professional teeth brushing at home.

Fortunately for us, it has also been on the market for a long time sonic electric brush. Its mechanism of action is completely different. The bristles vibrate to create a movement that safely and effectively breaks down the structure of the soft dental plaque. Of course, it is very important to emphasize that a certain medium, a combination of water, saliva and toothpaste, is needed in the mouth for the brush to work effectively.

Curaprox Hydrosonic pro is also suitable for those who wear fixed orthodontic appliances.

Therefore, I give advice to whom in my practice sonic toothbrush? Everyone with poor oral hygiene or to those who would like to improve it, to individuals with dental appliances and dental implants, and to everyone who already has inflammation of the periodontal tissues. Many of our patients say that with such a toothbrush they have the feeling of professionally cleaned teeth. As a dentist, I am most happy about the new motivation that patients gain.

The drop-shaped nozzles allow gentle and efficient brushing of each tooth individually. With the single attachment, carefully brush the edge between the tooth and the gum.

So what should you choose - an electric or a manual toothbrush? In principle, it doesn't matter. A brush that is good for oral health and good oral hygiene we use it with pleasure and correctly. The head of the brush should be small so that we can also clean hard-to-reach places. The bristles should be soft to gently remove plaque and not cause additional damage. It is also necessary to use interdental brushes once a day. Brushing time depends on the number of teeth, our motor skills and individual anatomy. In any case, in addition to regular and precise oral hygiene with appropriate accessories, other things are necessary regular check-ups at the chosen dentist, a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Author of the article: Alenka Seljak, Ph.D. dent. honey

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