What is the most popular color in the world? Read which color was voted the most popular by thousands of people around the world.
The council voted its own favorite color. It's about color Marrs Green - it is named after Annie Marrs, who suggested the color - and was chosen from among thousands of other colors offered to the paper manufacturer GF Smith people sent during the campaign World's Favorite Colour.
"The color was inspired by the landscape that surrounds me at home in Scotland. A deep shade of green with a touch of blue has always been my favorite," said Annie Marrs.
Caroline Till, editor of Viewpoint Color Magazine, told Deezen that she herself thinks it is the popularity of the color associated with nature. "In the modern world, we are looking for a way to reconnect with nature, which is also reflected in the fact that the most popular color in the world is green. In these uncertain times, we long for soothing green.”