
What shoe size do you wear? It also determines how long you will live!

What shoe size do you wear? It also determines how long you will live!

For some, the shoe number is just an orientation when buying new footwear, and a Scandinavian epistemologist used this strange research to find out what the number of your shoe says about the length of life.

What you don't know doesn't hurt you. If fear death, it is better not to look at how long you will be lived. Those of you who are too much curious and you want to know how long will you live, look at the number, which is written on your shoe.

Epistemologist from Stockholm Hans Bjors is with research on the association of shoe number with length of life took a step into of science, because it is the first such survey – he analyzed data on 800 deceased Swedes, namely checking when they died, what was the cause of their death and what was the shoe size of each individual.

People with an average shoe size will live longer.
People with an average shoe size will live longer.

The results showed that they are very likely to be so men as well as women with a medium shoe size lived longer than those people, which carry a large number.

It is not excluded that persons may they also live longer, as specified by the number shoe, but this can happen if they live a special way of healthy living, which includes healthy eating and exercise, states the epistemologist in his research.

These are the results:


35: 64–69 years
36: 70-76 years
37: 77–82 years
38: 78–84 years
39: 73–75 years
40: 70–72 years
41: 67–70 years
42: 66–69 years

Women with shoe size 38 are said to live the longest.
Women with shoe size 38 are said to live the longest.


36: 63–66 years
37: 64–69 years
38: 66–69 years
39: 67–72 years
40: 72–75 years
41: 73–77 years
42: 75–82 years
43: 74–79 years
44: 67–72 years
45: 66–69 years

Men with a shoe size of 42 are said to have the longest lifespan.
Men with a shoe size of 42 are said to have the longest lifespan.

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