
Which parenting habits are most important to children?

Children and parents

Parenting is a learned skill. It is a wonderful mission and it is a way of life. We can never be non-parents again and everything we do is to make our children happy and not feel deprived. But what are the things that our children will remember most about us? What is it that will remind them of us for all eternity, and what parenting habits are most important to children?

Which parenting habits are most important to our children?

1. All the moments when they felt safe with us.

At the heart of every child is vulnerability and a need for protection. Our children will remember those moments when we chased monsters from under their beds and closets, when we comforted and hugged them after a nightmare. But they will also remember the moments when our temper became the monster they feared. Of course, the children will see us angry, that's part of life, but our job is to make sure that the children feel safe with us and that they know that they can always rely on us.

2. All the moments when we gave them our one hundred percent attention.

Children measure love mainly by the attention we give them. Those moments, when we stopped our work to devote ourselves to the tea party, played football or jumped on the trampoline, will remain in their minds and hearts forever. Let's take time for our children and dedicate them to the moments that mean the most.

READ MORE: It's easy to be a parent before you have a child

3. The way we communicated with our partner.

Children form their view of love through the eyes that observe us and our partner. Let's strive to have a marriage that will get our children excited about the idea of one day getting married themselves. Let's give them the security that comes from a devoted and loving relationship between a mother and a father.

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What do children look for in their parents?

4. Our encouragements and our criticisms.

A child's heart is like wet cement, and the impressions a child receives early in life will only solidify with time. They will lay the foundation for identity, capabilities and self-esteem, which will be based mainly on the words that we will say as parents. Part of parenting is also guidance and discipline, but even in these moments it is important that our words are full of love, encouragement and positivity.

5. Our family traditions.

Children love spontaneity, but they also have a strong need for predictability. They will remember the traditions we had as a family with deep respect and affection. It could be movie night or game night, as well as family vacations or the way we celebrated birthdays and special events. Traditions should not be forgotten, because one day our children will want to pass them on to their children.

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