
What was the most popular Slovenian name in the year you were born?

The name Luka has been the most popular male name since 1991.

Have you ever wondered if you were given the most popular Slovenian name from the period when you were born? Now is your chance to find out. Here are the most popular Slovenian names by time periods.

These are the most popular Slovenian names from the year or period in which you were born. Is yours among them?

If you were born between 1971 and 1980

The most popular male names
1. Boštjan
2. Andrew
3. Marko
4. Robert
5. Ales

The most popular female names
1. Natasha
2. Matthew
3. Mojca
4. Peter
5. Barbara

If you were born between 1981 and 1990

The most popular male names
1. Matthew
2. Marko
3. Deadline
4. Gregory
5. Andrew

The most popular female names
May 1
2. Nina
3. Matthew
4. Peter
5. Anja

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If you were born between 1991 and 2000

The most popular male names
1. Luke
2. Deadline
3 Jan
4. Jean
5. Matthew

The most popular female names
1. Anja
2. Nina
3. Sara
4. Ana
5. Tjaša

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If you were born between 2001 and 2010

The most popular male names
1. Luke
2 Jan
3. Nejc
4. Jean
5. Stamp

The most popular female names
1. Nika
2. Eve
3. Sara
4. Ana
5. Lara

The most popular male names for those who are born between 2011 and 2017, are Luka, Nik, Filip, Jakob and Mark. The most popular female names for this period they are Eva, Ema, Sara, Zala and Lara.

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If we look back a bit, we can see that they were the most popular names until 1940 for men, Franc, Jožef, Anton, Janez and Ivan, while women were most often given the names Marija, Ana, Frančiška, Jožefa and Ivana.
Between 1941 and 1950 for men, Franci, Jožefi, Ivana, Antoni and Janezi dominated, and for women, Maria, Anna, Jožefa, Frančiska and Terezija.
From 1951 to 1960 men were most often named Franc, Ivan, Janez, Anton and Marjan, while women were named Marija, Majda, Irena, Jožica and Ana.
Between 1961 and 1970 but we Slovenians had the most Janes, Jožets, Francovs, Roberts and Andrejes among the men, and the most Marijs, Irens, Mojcs, Tatjans and Jožices among the women.

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