
Autumn delicacies that will drive away stress and bad mood

In the fall, it often happens that our physical and mental health begins to suffer from stress and bad mood, brought with them by obligations at school and work, wet weather and shorter and colder days. But autumn stress can be easily banished: with food, including many local autumn delicacies that are available in every store and in nature in our immediate vicinity.


Chestnuts are as rich in vitamins and minerals as other nuts and seeds, but they are much lower in calories. In addition, it contains an extremely large amount of vitamin C, which is important for our body's resistance when our health is affected by stress.


Grapes, which are full of both store shelves and vineyards in autumn, are a proven cheap and effective weapon in the fight against stress, tension and anxiety.


A single banana contains as much as 30% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin B6, which promotes the production of serotonin - the happy hormone that fights both stress and depression.

READ MORE: 10 things we can do today to feel better


Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries... all berries are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which have a positive effect on our cognitive abilities and nervous system, and the result is positive thinking and a body full of energy.


Apples are one of the most popular remedies in the fight against depression. These fruits act as a tonic on the nerves, and their consumption invigorates the nervous system and fills it with energy. Apples mixed with milk and honey are particularly anti-stress and tasty, while apple cider vinegar also ensures a natural balance in the body.


Chamomile tea

All the grandmothers and mothers used to make us a cup of chamomile tea when we had a stomach ache, and they were quite right. Chamomile tea is extremely calming, and scientists have proven that a cup before bed has an anti-stress effect, as it drives away anxiety and ensures a restful sleep.

Dark chocolate

It is true that chocolate does not grow on trees in the fall, but there is enough of it on store shelves in all seasons. If women comfort themselves with it during PMS, we do so for a reason: chocolate lowers blood pressure, which makes us calmer, and it also contains many extremely healthy antioxidants. Dark chocolate is especially beneficial for health, and as a treat, it will ward off bad autumn mood.

Pumpkin seeds

Autumn is rich in pumpkins, and pumpkin seeds are rich in the amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan is one of the strongest natural fighters against depression.

Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds


Oranges are a treasure trove filled with vitamin C, which is on the "must-have" list of vitamins that we really need in autumn so that we don't wake up listless, worried and tired in the morning, but full of energy and desire for new challenges.


Pears not only strengthen the immune system, but also fill us with energy and will immediately upon consumption, which is why pears are one of the best treats on a stressful and lethargic autumn afternoon.

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