
When a man loves with all his heart, he says it without any problems

Photo: The Notebook movie

Victor Hugo once said that a word is a living thing. And the words of a man who loves unconditionally will go straight to your heart.

Stereotypes say that men are clearer rhetoricians, however they speak less compared to women. Therefore, in society, a man is "macho" only if he is serious and occasionally speaks. However, it is a social norm that forces people to think this way. But they don't have to.

It's time for you to realize that the power of language lies precisely in the fact that spuddles as a medium for communicating that, which you hope to express. And the man knows too open your soul, when he loves with all his heart.


"I'm here for you."

Knowing that you have someone in your life that you can always count on is priceless. When a man says he's here for you, realize that he is he wants to be a part of your life. This act shows confidence and encourages you to relax and step out of your comfort zone. This creates a bond between you when ME passes into WE.

"I'm here for you."
"I'm here for you."

"I'm worried."

There is some truth to the stereotype that men's egos don't allow them to show their vulnerability. A man will say yes even when the situation is dire he has everything under control. Because he believes his role is to be strong. If he breaks down and admits he is worried, s contacted you. Telling you what worries him and what's going on in his life is a sign that he is opened his soul and is vulnerable. He keeps you close and trusts you. It's the same when you have problems.

"I miss you."

At the beginning of the relationship, you will probably hear countless times from your partner that he misses you, but it is not the same feeling. When the relationship is still fresh, it is absence associated mainly with sobbing. When a man loves with all his heart, missing him is synonymous with not imagining life without you. This shows that he has deep feelings. He wants to show that your absence affects him.

"You are beautiful."

At the beginning of the relationship, beauty is mainly associated with outward appearance. A man who loves with all his heart understands beauty as a whole. If he tells you that you are beautiful, he means that you are completely beautiful - your personality, your energy and your appearance. He accepted you as you are, with all your weaknesses and strengths.

"I love because I love you."
"I love because I love you."

"I love because I love you."

The most obvious sign that it is true love is direct display of love. I love because I love you - THAT'S WHAT EVERY WOMAN WANTS TO HEAR! 🙂

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