
Who are the highest paid models in the world 2017?

Forbes published a list of the highest paid models in the world, where the Brazilian model Gisele Bündchen reigned for quite some time. She lost her crown this year. So who are the highest paid models in the world 2017?

What a strong brand it was Gisele, the fact that she was speaks volumes number one highest paid model since 2002 with fabulous earnings that could not be approached. This year, the Brazilian model found herself in the second place. If until recently it was considered that this list was compiled solely on the basis of fashion appearances and collaborations, where Gisele undoubtedly proved to be an extremely capable business woman (collaboration with Ipanema, cosmetics line...), this year there is a noticeable change of generations and a change in the perception of fashion of the world where currently Instagram celebrities reign.

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