
Who are the most philanthropic celebrities of 2014?

Are celebrities anything like us? Are we charitable, philanthropists? Then sure. In addition to the fact that some stars are really talented, they are also fair and philanthropic. Although Hollywood is full of divas and narcissists, we can be thankful for those who strive for selflessness. So who are the celebrities who used their fame in 2014 to do something good for the world?

1. Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio stole our hearts already in Titanic, and in the last year he has given us even more reasons to love him. He donated in June US$7 million for ocean conservation, among other things, on his Twitter account he repeatedly reminds about ecological issues. In September, at the United Nations Climate Summit in New York, he also spoke about climate change and became the Messenger of Peace.

2. Diane Guerrero

The actress who rose to fame in the series The Orage Is the New Black, spoke on CNN about her experiences as the daughter of "undocumented" parents. One evening, she did not find her parents anymore, the neighbors told them that they had been taken away. Her intimate story emerged shortly before President Obama announced a series of executive actions to protect millions of "undocumented" immigrants in the United States.

3. Lupita Nyong'o

Lupita Nyong'o impressed in the film 12 years a slave. The actress received Oscar for supporting role and became the fifth black woman in history to receive the award. In his moving speech, it was the last words that really resonated: "When I look down at this golden statue, may it remind me and every little child that no matter where you're from, your dreams are valid. Thank you.”

4. Matt Damon

While everyone was busy with ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and with knowledge of the disease, is Matt Damon, co-founder Water.org, pointed out the lack of water and raised awareness about the importance of clean drinking water. While millions poured clean water on their heads, Damon used water from his toilet bowl.

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5. Laurie Holden

Actress from the series The Walking Dead is a part Operation Underground Railroad, an organization that helps crack down on sex-trafficking networks. Together, they tracked down and captured Marcus Bronschidl, who was trafficking young girls in Cartagena, Colombia. Thus they saved 55 girls.

Actress Laurie Holden
Actress Laurie Holden

6. Emma Watson

Emma Watson is campaigning with her speech on gender equality and feminism at the United Nations headquarters in New York HeForShe , attracted a lot of attention. Her message was simple and powerful: "Gender equality is your issue too." This summer, however, the actress was nominated for Goodwill Ambassador at the United Nations.

7. Jesse Williams

Jesse Williams isn't just a set of dreamy eyes. Williams used his star status and reminded of racial disparities in America. He warned the television network CNN and other media about theirs superficial coverage of events in Ferguson. He also tweeted about his outrage.

8. Miley Cyrus

At this year's award MTV Video Music Award received the video of the year award on behalf of Miley Cyrus A 22-year-old homeless man named Jesse. In 2013, an estimated 50,000 young people in the US slept on the streets for at least six months or more. Miley Cyrus thus collected money to support the homeless center and proved that, despite criticism, she can do actions that are definitely honorable and praiseworthy.

9. Aziz Ansari

Comedian and actor Aziz Ansari spoke about his supports gender equality. While it is feminism trending among celebrities this year, Ansari came up with the right idea. On the Late Show with David Letterman, he spoke with characteristic humor about the negative connotation surrounding the word feminism.

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