
When you're feeling down, read these 40 inspirational quotes to brighten your day!

"The most painful thing is to lose yourself, because of too much love for someone else and forget that you yourself are unique." - Ernest Hemingway

Words can warm the soul. These quotes will hug you when the going gets tough and put a smile on your face.

1. Each person is a reflection of his own thoughts and beliefs. What individuals think and believe, they become. – Claude M. Bristol

2. We are what we think, so pay attention to your thoughts and subconscious mind. Words are secondary. Thoughts live, travel far. - Unknown author

3. We all make mistakes. Mistakes do not shape or define us. Mistakes are there to learn from. - Unknown author

4. When we start loving ourselves, life becomes more beautiful. - Unknown author

5. Challenges make life interesting, they give meaning to life. – Joshua Marin

6. One of the keys to success is knowing what needs to be done, even if you have no desire to do it. - Unknown author

7. Good things come to those who desire them. Better things come to those who wait. The best things come to those who don't quit. - Unknown author

8. Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned or worn. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living a life full of love and gratitude. –Dennis Waitley

9. To succeed, your desire to succeed must overcome your fear of failure. – Bill Cosby

10. Nand the best revenge is great success. – Frank Sinatra

11. Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, get rid of it. Fear is scary, face it. Memories are precious, keep them. - Unknown author

12. When you think something is hard, you're not really trying hard enough. Be positive. - Unknown author

13. Build your dreams or someone will hire you to build theirs. – Farrah Gray

14. Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect. It means that you have chosen to ignore what is wrong. - Unknown author

15. We learn something from everyone who passes through our lives. Some lessons are painful, some are not, but all are valuable. - Unknown author

16. Rule number 1 in life - do what makes you happy. - Unknown author

17. Give up on everyone who takes away your happiness. Life is too short to tolerate fools. - Unknown author

18. No one will give you success. You have to earn it yourself. That's why you're here. To conquer and control the world and yourself. - Unknown author

19. Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it. – Ziad K. Abedelnour

20. You have to get used to a little sadness in life. You won't know what true happiness is if you have nothing to compare it to. – Paulo Coelho


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21. He who thinks he is happy is truly happy. – Jovan Dučić

22. Happiness is determined by our state of mind, not events. – The Dalai Lama

23. A ray of one warm thought is worth more than money. Happiness is not brought by wealth and luxury, but by peace and work. –Thomas Jefferson

24. It is necessary to know how to set limits to one's own ambitions, it is madness to want what we cannot have. – Pindar

25. Those who climb the ladder of success never complain of being out of breath. – Eliar

26. You see things and ask "why", but I dream of things that are not there and ask "why not". – George Bernard Shaw

27. He who has no wings and elbows uses flight. – Lawrence Peter

28 Strong women do not play the victim card, they do not ask for mercy and help from others. Strong women stand up and get what they set out for. - Unknown author

29. Learn from the mistakes of others. Life isn't long enough to do them all by yourself. – Eleanor Roosevelt

30. No one can go back in time and start over. Or you can start from the present moment and make a new ending. – Carl Bard

31. People are not prisoners of fate, but prisoners of their own thoughts. –Franklin Roosevelt

32. It's not up to you to be rich, it's up to you to be happy. – Epictetus

33. If mankind were always reasonable, history would not be a long chronicle of stupidity and crime. – Arthur Schopenhauer

34. People who have courage and character are always unpleasant to other people. – Herman Hesse

35. He who does not take risks has no chance of winning. – Napoleon Bonaparte

36. I love those who laugh at difficulties, who find new strength in difficulties and become even braver. In such conditions the narrow-minded give up, but those whose hearts are firm, whose conscience justifies their actions, are ready to follow their principles to the death. – Leonardo da Vinci

37. The world belongs to the brave. – Karl Marx

38. Most of us have more courage than we can imagine. – Dale Carnegie

39. A good person sees good in everything, and a bad person sees evil in everything. – Meša Selimović

40. A friend is someone who knows everything about you and still loves you.– Elbert Hubbard

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