Photo: Arun Anoop / Unsplash

Why are you in a relationship with someone: habit, fear of loneliness or true love?

What is the difference between attachment and love? Many people move from one relationship to another looking for true love. When they are in the phase of falling in love, they are always sure that they have found true love. But their sense of love is wrong. What if you are afraid of being alone and think that your soulmate is anyone who manages to get a little closer to you?

It can be difficult to tell, at least in the beginning stages of a relationship, whether your love is real or masked by the fear of loneliness.

When you're in love, everything seems perfect. Over time, the initial love cools down and many times people stay together just out of habit. Only because they are not alone, because they have someone by their side. Whether they really love that person is not important to them. It's not love, it's fear of loneliness.

Check out the written signs that describe the differences between love and attachment to a person. Then look at your relationship from a different angle.

1. Love is passionate, attachment is apathetic

They say that the closest feeling to love is hate, which explains why, after a breakup, selfless love turns into an inexplicable feeling of hatred.

When you are only attached to someone, you will never be so angry with them. Sometimes you may become paranoid, anxious, and irritated about the current problem, but these feelings will not lead you to hatred.

2. Love is selfless, while attachment is egocentric

When you're in love, you always think of the other person's needs. For the first time in your life, you want to put the needs of others before your own - first.

When it comes to pure attachment, you just want someone to be there for you. Don't worry about him or her - just worry about yourself. Behind everything you do for this person is always the satisfaction of your needs.

3. Love requires constant effort, while attachment is static and empty

True love is not simple and never easy. At first glance, you might think that this is so, because love is supposed to be pure and beautiful, and that everything always flows by itself. But everything that affects your life requires effort. Love needs to be nurtured all the time.

With attachment, however, the situation is completely different. There is nothing to work and strive for in these kinds of relationships. Attachment does not grow, blossom or move to a higher level.

You feel love, it's not just falling in love, it's something you can't describe. Photo: Tom Balabaud/Pexels

4. Love means liberation, attachment means possessiveness

When you're in love, you don't need your partner to be by your side to make you feel good and safe. You don't really need to be with that person to understand how they feel. You never think about her feelings and you are not jealous.

In an attachment, you are never 100% sure of your partner's feelings and the only time you feel safe is when you are with them. When you are separated, you have a lot of questions about what he is doing now, who he is with, etc.

5. Love awakens power, and attachment awakens a sense of superiority

Only true love can empower you so much that you feel like you can do whatever you want. It gives you a feeling of freedom and extraordinary energy. Feel alive and ready to conquer the world.

In an attachment where there is no love, a completely different feeling arises - dominance and a struggle for power. You want to be the person who pulls all the strings.

6. Love is timeless while attachment is limited in time

When you're in love, and when it's true love - you know it. Whether the relationship is successful or not, this person will always be the love of your life.

Attachment doesn't work like that. It is always limited or on standby depending on the connection. In any case, it has no future and is doomed to fail.

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