
Why is being the mistress of a married man not a story with a fairy tale ending?

10 lessons of love

Photo: envato

Love is complicated and often unpredictable. In a moment of passion and romance, it can seem exciting to be the mistress of a married man. You may find yourself in a situation where you feel special, valued and loved in a way you haven't experienced before. But that feeling quickly fades when you face the reality of your situation. Day after day you are forced to live in the shadows, hiding and lying to those closest to you.

An affair with a busy man brings many emotional and moral dilemmas. Your heart is constantly struggling with feelings of guilt, uncertainty, and regret. At any given moment, you can expect the revelation of your secret to wreak havoc on several people's lives, including your own. In this article, we will explore ten reasons why such a relationship is not worth the pain and suffering that comes with it.

1. The spy lifestyle

All that stealth adrenaline is like being a spy in your own life – but without the cool gadgets and dangerous missions. Instead, you become a master of camouflage in dark corners of restaurants and hiding in parked cars. But what would your mother say to that?

Photo: envato

2. Daily soap opera

lying becomes your daily routine. You become the main character in the telenovela of your life, where you must constantly invent new and increasingly amazing stories for your friends and family. Who needs reality shows when you have live drama like this?

3. Movie romance or nightmare?

It's all very cinematic at first, but soon you feel like you're in a bad romantic comedy. Feelings of guilt invade you like unexpected guests at a party, and once they appear, they don't go away. Children? Just an extra dimension of guilt.

4. Conviction

When the truth comes out, you are treated as the villain in a small town full of evil neighbors. Gossip spreads faster than the latest viral post, and you are the star of this unfortunate spectacle. There is no worse feeling than being on the wallpaper.

Photo: envato

5. Always in last place

No matter how hard you try, you will always be last on his priority list. While he enjoys family dinners, you munch on delivery pizza. Romantic? Not exactly. Mostly it's a feeling of constant neglect.

6. Love or exploitation

At first you think it's an epic love story, but then you realize you might just be a convenient entertainment activity. As the feelings deepen, you wonder if this is really love or just a convenient way to pass the time for him.

7. Diet version of the relationship

Forget about common vacations or holidays. Your relationship is like a diet version of a relationship - no calories and no joy. No birthday parties, no New Year's kisses, just lots of empty promises and more disappointments.

Photo: envato

8. Trust

If he is capable of lying to his wife, how can you believe that he is not lying to you? Suddenly you realize that you have built your love castle on a foundation of quicksand. No wonder everything falls apart so quickly.

9. The inevitable end

Endings are inevitable and usually unpleasant. When your affair ends, you are left alone with your feelings, wondering why you started in the first place. In most cases, fairy tales do not have a happy ending, but a bitter epilogue.

10. Lost opportunities

Every moment you spend with him is a lost opportunity for true love. While you wait to become his priority, life passes you by. Have you ever thought how much happier you could be with someone actually standing by your side?

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