
Why did everyone turn their backs on Hillary Clinton in this photo?

Group selfie with Hillary Clinton

Has Hillary Clinton's youth turned their backs? Although it seems that the crowd ignores her or that there was something much more interesting on the other side of the room than the Democratic presidential candidate, but it was neither one nor the other. What you see are representatives of the selfie generation, who turned their backs on her just to be able to take a selfie with her. The clip was recently shot in Orlando by Barbara Kinney.

The fight for American presidential chair is at the top and both presidential candidates – democrats Hillary Clinton and a Republican Donald Trump – they fly from place to place gathering support and votes for the upcoming elections. But "this is not a political contribution", to paraphrase the Martin Krpan group, but it is the story of a meaningful photograph Hillary Clinton and her supporters.

Hillary Clinton is in many selfies.
Hillary Clinton is in many selfies.

On her Hillary, waving, standing in front of the crowd showing his back. But not because there is something much more interesting at the other end of the room, even though for a moment it seems that Hillary is also waving to someone on the other side of the room. And not because she ignored her out of some kind of protest. Quite the opposite. Hers young followers, who gathered that day in Orlando, because they wanted to film with Hilary in every way selfie.

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Selfie generation condensed into one photo.
Selfie generation condensed into one photo.

The photo was taken by a professional photographer Barbara Kinney, a member of Clinton's campaign staff and at one time the official photographer of former President Bill Clinton. The scene is otherwise staged. Indeed, Hillary suggested to the crowd that they do group selfie, and later she also recorded some individual ones with a few followers.

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