
Why does yours always fall asleep after sex? Science says it's not your fault

It very often happens that men lie around like wounded deer after intercourse and sometimes even fall asleep. Many women take it too personally and attribute the reasons for doing this to anything other than the actual reason. If you are one of them, read the article carefully, because you will realize that not everything is as black and white as it seems.

If your partner falls asleep after making love, don't be offended. Men wander into the world of dreams immediately after intercourse for various reasons, none of which have anything to do with the quality of your relationship or your performance in bed. The reasons for this are as follows.

His body undergoes a transformation

The male body is flooded with various hormones after orgasm. Sex therapist David McKenzie told the Best Health portal that it releases the hormone prolactin into the body, which causes physical fatigue. Women, on the other hand, usually do not experience an orgasm during every sexual intercourse, so they do not feel the need to fall asleep immediately after it is over.

The authors of the book "Why do men fall asleep after sex?", Mark Leyner and Billy Goldberg, revealed to Best Health an additional biological explanation. Orgasm robs the male muscle of glycogen, which is a source of energy. And since men tend to have more muscle mass than women, they are also more tired after sex. Although there is no direct evidence to explain men's immediate sleep after sex, the authors add that the hormones oxytocin, the aforementioned prolactin, GABA and endorphins are released in the body after orgasm, all of which contribute to feeling relaxed and sleepy.

Lose mental energy

At its core, tantric sex focuses on the enlightenment and spiritual aspects of sex. In this way, energy travels through the bodies in the sexual act, which raises both to a higher mental level. Orgasm presents here mental awakening and merging of male and female energy.

The authors explain that it is male orgasm external, so energy is lost through ejaculation. This loss is related to the prefrontal cortex in the brain, which begins to function less efficiently after orgasm. And it is precisely this part of the brain that is associated with alertness, attention and thoughts. On the other hand, it is female orgasm internal explosion of energy. Therefore, it is not surprising that after sex she would talk and socialize for several hours.


He just can't talk

Psychologist Laurie Betito, who deals with sex therapy, told the Best Health portal that women like to process and think about their experiences, so they would they like to talk after sex. Communication is generally closer to women, but if a man is generally not good at communication, the situation will be three times worse after sex.

Sex therapist Ian Kerner said that more than talking, it helps emotional attachment and connection between partners squeezing and cuddling after sex. Therefore, if you don't talk, at least hug and fall asleep together.

It's not all about him

Author of books on sexuality and psychologist Roger R. Hock writes in his works that both men and women feel something after sex relaxation, satisfaction, warmth and fatigue. That men are the first to fall asleep immediately after sex is not always true. Some people like cuddling even more than women and they are the ones who fall asleep first.

If your man falls asleep every time after sex, remind him that this does not mean that your relationship is not strong and quality or that he does not love you. Quite the opposite. His sleep may indicate that he is satisfied and happy after sex and ready to rest.

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