
Why don't we still have flying cars?

Although according to some predictions, electric powered flying cars will be available in a few years, we will have to wait for them for quite some time. Why is this so?

They are especially ambitious with Uber, which wants its own system UberAIR to be launched already in the year 2023. The chances of this are quite small, as the American company will have to overcome many obstacles. What challenges will designers of electric aircraft have to face?

Challenge 1: Leave flying to the computer

Air taxis will fly using autonomous systems. Uber claims that pilots will initially help operate the flying vehicles, but there is a shortage of them. This is precisely why the technology already being developed at NASA will have to be perfected as soon as possible. The flight mode used to control many drones is not yet safe enough to be used to operate electric people-carrying cars.

2nd challenge: supplying the aircraft with electricity

Electric motors are certainly more reliable and environmentally friendly than internal combustion engines. As you probably already know, their weak point lies in durability. Scientists believe that we are still several decades away from the launch of electric batteries that would enable long-distance flights. With the most efficient batteries currently available, it would be possible to travel about 30 kilometers through the air.

Challenge 3: affordable manufacturing

Air taxis can be classified as airplanes. Building light, powerful and quiet aircraft that rely on state-of-the-art technology cannot be cheap. Therefore, it will be necessary to think thoroughly about how to reduce production costs.

Challenge 4: silent operation

Flying cars will transport people in urban environments, most of which have had a lot of noise-related measures taken in recent years. This is why flying will only be possible if manufacturers find a way to make vehicles almost inaudible.

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